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The silent attack; Education domain, the path for influencing the deviant cults

      One of the undeniable issues of today societies which causes a great deal of worries universally is the emergence of deviant cults [1] and false spiritualties.

      The heads of these deviant cults misuse the intrinsic requirements of today human being and expand their traps presenting forged items instead of pure spiritualties. They step on the path of performing their political and economic ambitions.

      Growing and preaching these movements have been extensive across the world. Our country has been exposed to the attacks by these various deviant cults during history.

      The consequences of these movements include an extensive span of harms in theological, character, family, economic and security domains. Thus, the issue of deviant cults is serious which is necessary to be confronted by relevant foundations and people in charge and also the people in the community.

      One of the most important domains which is afflicted by cults is education which has been misused by the cults from long time ago and now it is considered as one of the most vulnerable eras.


      Education, a sensitive domain

      As pointed out before, cults have figured out the importance and supreme position of education from the point of view of influence on society and have consistently focused on this domain and tried to exploit it in favor of themselves. The category of education has a more extensive concept. As a matter of fact, man is educating since birth. It is continued in various periods of life having various and different forms. Education domain is misused by the cults in the following methods:

      I) Training inside the organization,

      II) Influencing on formal and informal education system of the community


      Attacking education domain by the cults:

      As said before, cults are concentrating on education domain using two above-mentioned approaches:

I) Deviant cults and movements exploit a kind of special educational system to educate their members and to save them in the organizational training has started since childhood in some cults and include him/her to the end of his/her life.

      For instance, Rouhi plan [9] has been considered for all ages and has performed as one of the educational programs inside the organization.

      The aim of such organizational education is educating mere dedicated ones and obedient disciples. Sectarian studies done by some researchers like Margaret Thaler Singer and Steven Hassan are indicating exploiting this kind of education by some cults; so that, it is considered as one of the sectarian characteristics.

 II) This approach is one the most principle tricks applied by the cults and deviant movements to influence on various societies to recruit. Indeed, cult heads try to inject their deviant beliefs indirectly into the community particularly the youth. They use various tricks; from influencing on educational and scientific centers to enter into printing and writing books and educational sources for all levels.

      Sometimes, cult members have penetrated into the position of school teachers or university masters to preach their beliefs and forged rudiments indirectly and to recruit prone people.

      Some cults are using two approaches and tricks.

      Consequently, what is transferred to students by teachers or trainers plays a key role in forming their beliefs.

      So, electing masters is so important.


      Gonabadi cult and its extensive presence in higher education system:

      Gonabadi cult is one of the movements which has considered education inside and outside the organization due to its nature during its lifetime. The outside education is rather extensive which includes influencing on higher education, printing and distributing books. The publication of this cult is called Haghighat which has published many works for applying inside the organization.


      Nour Ali Elahi school cult and holding educational classes:

      Nour Ali Elahi school is one of the other movements which has aimed influencing on education domain particularly in recent years.

      The elements of this movement try to induce their null and false belief under the cover of music classes and training musical instruments to recruit them. Now, these classes are holding in several parts of the country such as Kermanshah, Qazvin, and etc.


      The influence of newly-emerged cults the domain of educational-scientific in books:

      Some newly-emerged movements have basically emerged and preached through penetrating into educational books; for instance, “Erfan Halgeh” and “Ram Allah”. The heads of these cults have written a so-called gnostic book and held classes to train the forged and false rudiments of their deviant cults to deceive and recruit people.

      Holding educational classes can play a key role in forming movements and are considered as the basis of them. In addition to providing numerous financial resources for the cult, they induce beliefs under the cover of so-called gnostic issues. Although the heads of these cults are confronted legally, but these two mentioned movements are trying to prevent these cults being destroyed by holding secret classes and cyber courses.


      The necessity for defending education area:

      This is the responsibility of the public to exploit the positive aspect of education by focusing on the positive application of education in educating people and trying to close the path for penetrations of cult and deviant movements into this domain.


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