
The historical confession by a Zionist Jewish person

The leadership foundation of Baha'ism issued a statement dated October 30, 2017 A.D. and rejected each kind of attribution of Baha'i news medium to Baha'ism. However, the reason may be ...

Who killed Amir the Great? The management of a deviation of a historical assassination from Babism to Baha’ism

Mirza Taqi Khan Farahani known as Amir the Great is one of the prominent characters of the Iranian history. During his 3 years and 3 months premiership, he started fundamental ...
the gate

A glance at the film “the gate”, a historical reality or an advertising announce

On the occasion of the bicentenary birthday of the founder of the Babi creed (Ali Muhammad Shirazi) and to proselytize and introduce Bahaullah and Baha’ism, the Baha’ism organization unveiled a ...

The result of a historical debate: Baha’ism is lacking the thought for proving-(the last part)

“My biography” The book of the memoirs of Sheikh Ibrahim Zanjani was for the first time published in 1379 by Kavir publishing house. Zanjani called it “My Biography”. It has ...

Do you know any impolite prophet in the historical documents and religions?

Abdul Baha has considered the fulfillment of human education as one of the reasons for the divine prophet legitimacy; while contrary to the claim, the forged prophet of Baha'ism was ...