
The main aim of the proselytizing institutes of the deviant cult of Bahaism

The main aim of the proselytizing institutes is increasing the population and statistics of the Baha'is and the tendency of these people towards the creed, because according to the message ...

The aims of the radio and television of the deviant cult of Bahaism

The radio and television programs of the deviant cult of Bahaism including reports, interviews and dialogues are performed with researchers and thinkers of the Baha’i community and different people more ...

The member of Baha’ism, the manager of the most important general office of SAVAK

The Colonial agents and SAVAK modelers tried to transfer the non-Muslim officers into the organization and exploit them to achieve their goals. Because there haven't been any Jewish officers in ...

Was the reason for canceling Manoto network (Lionistic-Baha: net work of Manoto) the financial?

      Bahman, 11, 1402 S.H. (January 31) was the last day of Manoto network. This network was formally canceled and left another scandal for the deviant cult of Bahaism again. ...

The case of Kid persecution for Mossad and Bahaism

      Being active in the field of kids shouting deceptive slogans is of the means Baha’ism organization to recruit human resources, but the trace of the members of Baha'ism in ...

Habib Sabet Pasal’s purpose (Bahaism organization) for running television of Iran

      Since his entrance into commercial activities, Habib Sabet Pasal was strengthened by Bahaism organization and trustees company which took on a part of economic affairs of Baha'ism and was ...

Criticizing the deployment of fascist element of Bahaism concerning the victory of the Iranian national football team against Japan

After the victory of the Iranian national football team against Japan, the fascist Baha'i member interviewed with the satanic Zionistic television, Iran International and said the coach of the national ...

The victory of the Islamic Revolution, proving prostitution of the deviant cult of Bahaism

        Bahaism has been born by the enemies of Islam and have been continually supported by the Colonialists. The Baha’is escaped from Iran when the Islamic Revolution of Iran ...

The reciprocal services of Pahlavi regime and the deviant cult of Baha’ism

      Studying the policies of Pahlavi regime concerning the Baha'is during the years 1332- 1357 S.H. needs for the nature of the government to be investigated in one side and ...

Baha’i faith silences the victims and enables abusers by protecting, and even rewarding them

There is a wide-range of quotes that silences the victims and enables abusers by protecting, and even rewarding them.   🚨WRONG : rewarding bad behaviour empowers abusers 🚨 "Should any ...
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