
The most important Consequences of the victory of the Islamic Revolution over the deviant cult of Baha’ism

The victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and forming a democratic system of government based the original teachings of Islam was the greatest hit on the deviant cult of ...

The role of the deviant cult of Baha’ism in unveiling

The calamity of unveiling in Iran is an anti-culture event against Islam and Muslim people of Iran which was approved and conducted in Iran on Day 17, 1314 S.H. cooperated ...

Baha’ism and Tolstoy

     The famous Russian author Leo Tolstoy has consulted a mother by writing a letter dated March 15, 1909 A.D concerning her offspring who had become Muslim. Tolstoy has compared ...

The Characteristics of evaluating the religious nature of a group

       Regarding various ages of human being, some people claimed for being prophets and having new religions and other people followed them and were misled. So, it is necessary for ...
بهائی گری

The Iranian nature narrated by Shogi Effendi

     The first guardian of Bahaism, the Excellency shogi Effendi has described the Iranian people and has considered them as bigoted, ignorant, forgetful, and tyrant and said:" This blessed faith ...

The relationship between Baha’ism and the terroristic subgroups

Baha'ism is claiming for not meddling with policy or even willing to political parties and speaking about policy is illegitimate for it. During the revolution, Baha'ism was quite against the ...

Sedition, cursing and Sacrilege of the Baha’ism leaders

      Sedition is a part of the characters of the leaders of the deviant cult of Baha'ism. When we move from Baha’ism towards Sheikism, this sedition becomes clearer and increases. ...

The characters of the leaders of Babism and Baha ism cults

The characters of the leaders of Babism and Baha'ism are as follows: a) Illiteracy: Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee was claiming for taking orders from the holy Imams (peace be upon them) ...

Bahaullah vis-à-vis Divine Prophets Part – 2

By: Nadeem Alam Qurayshi Bahaullah also believes in independent investigation of truth and that religion must conform to reason otherwise it is superstition. Bahaullah has also forbidden the interpretation of his writings and thus ...

Bahaullah vis-à-vis Divine Prophets Part-1

By: Nadeem Alam Qurayshi A person claims to represent an organization. One of the ways to verify his credentials is to see whether his talks and claims about that organization ...
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