
The medieval platform of Baha’ism, esca ping from criticism

       The stigma of fighting is a sledge through which the Baha’is hit on critics' heads! They call each criticism as fighting and each independent research rejecting Bahaism views as ...

The shameless insulting to martyrs by the announcer of the Baha’i channel of Manoto

    Omid Khalili, the announcer of Manoto network says: Now when the anonymous martyrs have been brought, they must be prevented to be brought. They have caused us to be ...

The bragging claim by the deviant cult of Baha’ism – The fulfillment of all promises of the heavenly books

What will Baha'ism say if it is asked to state its belief and claim in several lines? Abul Fadhl Golpaygani, the greatest proselytizer and author of Baha'ism states this claim ...

Amnesty International’s report narrated by the deviant cult of Baha’ism

      The members of the Baha’ism organization have decided to penetrate into the international organizations based on the plans of the universal house of justice. They enter into the international ...

The cult leader and destroying the basis of Family

Generally speaking, cults are trying to remove each Kind of factor existing against their satanic and carnal interests because they have been formed based on the personal interests of their ...

Contradictory Dates in Baha’i Texts Regarding the Public Announcement of the Prophet Muhammad

By Rauf Murtuzov (2023) As a Muslim with an interest in history, I discovered apparent conflicting dates in Baha’i texts regarding the public announcement of the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (may peace ...

Action-Less Long Messages, And Away from The Reality

This is an open letter written by a disgruntled Baha'i who has seen the Faith gradually deteriorate. The supreme body UHJ is in a separate universe while the faith is ...

Universality of Baha’ism is against expediencies of the countries

       The aim of the Baha'ism organization is to make its creed universal. According to its plans, Baha'ism is going to pass the period called being unknown, bring oppressed, separation ...

Fighting against wisdom and telling Contradictions in the deviant cult of Baha’ism

In one side, the deviant cult of Baha'ism calls itself as Shia and refer its theological rudiments to Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee and on another side, it fights against Shia foundations. ...

Fighting against scholars in the deviant cult of Baha’ism

The value of a creed depends on the position and worth it assumes for knowledge and scientists. It also calls people for its expansion and knowledge in various domains. As ...
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