
The deviant cult of Baha’ism and the repetition of the chaos plan in Afghanistan

On April 19th, the "Asoo" website affiliated with the Baha'i "Taslimi" Foundation published a note entitled "A ghost roams in the by-lane of Kabul". Paying attention to the mentioned note ...

The creeping and deceptive movement of the deviant cult of Baha’ism

Baha'is are going to choose a friend for "Bahá'u'lláh" in a creeping movement and say with deceptive interpretations: "Jews wrote many books in rejection of Jesus Christ and Christians wrote ...

What is the essence of the Baha’i cult?

A new suggestion by a member of the Baha'i cult for overthrowing Irfan Sabeti, a member of the Baha'i cult, who has become known as the unofficial spokesman of the ...

The dictatorial and oppressing regimes are using the deviant cult of Baha’ism to break the spirit of resistance of genuine fighters

After World War II the dictatorial and related regimes in various countries gained power. Liberalists also confronted them to get themselves free from these regimes. So, the prisons became full ...

The role of the deviant cult of Baha’ism in the adventure of destroying the holy shrine of Baqi’a holy Imams (peace be upon them)

Habibullah Einul Molk (Hoveyda’s father) was one of the secret and hidden elements of Baha’ism who supported Saud dynasty to destroy the holy shrine of Baqi’a holy Imams. This dangerous ...

The Baha’ism flattery for the kid-killer and bloodthirsty Zionists

In one of the programs related to the Persian media service of Baha’is, the Baha’ism organization praised Yitzhak Rabin on Ordibehesht 16 in a program entitled “the peace architects” as ...
deviant cult

The factors influencing on forming cults and making people be attracted by the cults in the community

Basically, for each social association to be formed in the community, the existence of a series of cultural, economic and cognitive shortages are necessary. Regarding this fact that a community ...
anti-cult law

A review over anti-cult law Experts and administrators’ views

Muhammad Hussein Mokhtari, the chairman of Islamic religion university This is an international rule; that is a wise, and accepted universal rule. Each tribe and cut having each kind of ...

Making hero out of a rioter in Baha’ism

ASOO periodical which is related to Baha’i foundation issued an article on Farvardin, 20 entitled the voice of morning foot; Mahwash Shahriyari and Fariba Kamal Abadi written by Isfand Dawatchi. ...
‘i university

University or Baha’i growth center?! B.I.H.E Baha’i institute

In one aspect, the problem of “Baha’ism and university: in Iran is related to the presence of Baha’is at current universities and; next, it reminds us to so-called educational institute ...
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