
The earthquake made the Baha’ism cult eye’s blind

Erfan Sabeti, the theorician and spokeman of the Baha’ism cult interviewed with Sima Sabet in “Cheshmandaz” program is Iran International network posed some accusations against the Islamic Republic of Iran: ...

Opportunism of Baha’ism in the earthquake of Turkey

Baha’ism has considered the horrible earthquake of Turkey and Syria as suitable opportunity to proselytize in these regions. Publishing its services, it is trying to attribute them to the Baha’is ...
Abdul Baha3

He who excuses himself, excuses himself

(During his lifetime) Abdul Baha asked the Baha’is to be impartial if revolutions or political transformation happened in Iran. He asked the Baha’is not to participate in any sedition, but ...

The consequences of the active presence of the Baha’is in managing the country during the second Pahlavi period of time

In one of his confessions, Shapour Bakhtiyar explained the black consequence of 25-year seditious and anti-national government of Pahlavi (with active roles of Baha’is) on Iran. However, does the Baha’ism ...

Baha’ism and helping the quake-stricken people of Turkey!!!

In its report from Turkey, the Baha’ism organization first appointed its priority to helping the quake-stricken Baha’i people and revealed its selfish figure for all once again. Without paying attention ...

Parviz Sabeti, SAVAK executioner among the opponents of the Islamic Republic of Iran

It is surprising that the Baha’i heads think their treacherous treatments have been forgotten with the passage of time after 44 years after the Islamic Revolution. They believe people have ...

Three ways for Shoghi Effendi’s followers to interpret Shoghi Effendi’s unexpected death

Even though Shoghi Effendi appointed no successor, a successor must be found, because even if it is not clear who the legitimate successor is, it is more important for the ...

“I agree entirely as regards the uselessness of Ruhi.” Sen McGlinn

I agree entirely as regards the uselessness of Ruhi. It has been a colossal disaster for the Baha’i community. As regards the year 2000 "prophecy," it was a misunderstanding, widely ...
Abdul Baha2

A number of people are leaving the Baha’i faith because of the bad policies of the UHJ

I have been a Baha'i for nearly 25 years. I've been actively involved during this time with various committees at local and national levels. I am still a Baha'i but ...

Baha’ism view towards Islam, the origin of humane civilization or an old religion

Although the followers of Baha’ism cult is destroying the Islamic principles to prove their creed to be a religion and the need for sending Baha’ism, but in some cases they ...
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