
The Baha’ism trick in the sedition of penetrating into the nursery schools

 Stressing on proselytizing on kids in Iran, the Baha’ism organization has started a game which is followed by victory in any case for it. A game which will help the ...

The bond between Baha’ism and Zionism

Al-Etthad newspaper printed by Abu Dhabi writes about the relationships between Baha’ism and Zionism an article entitled “the shadow of Zionism on Baha’ism”: After Baha’s death in 1892 A.D., a ...

Baha’ism is going to establish a government under the cover of religion: Ismaeeli

The author of the book “the political organization of Baha’ism” social: The political organization of Baha’ism possesses a political ideology which is gathering sources and behaviors in their members under ...

Are Baha’i beliefs and teachings able to recruit people to this deviant cult?

How does the Baha’ism cult try to introduce its growth and survival as indepted to its innovative beliefs and teachings while the Baha’ism beliefs are full of polytheism and contradictions ...

Some methods of deception in the cults

Cults and semi spiritual cults are recruiting people by exaggeration and techniques. Because the deviant cults aren’t legitimate, their teaching aren’t being accepted explicitly. So; in order to recruit more ...

Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee’s exaggeration about the holy Imam’s (peace be upon them) position

We know Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee with his special view toward religious rudiments. Having false view and exaggerating in various issues, he caused Babism and Baha’ism to be emerged. This man ...

When Baha’ism joins the sedition contrary to its leaders’ commandments

The Baha’i medium which calls on people against the government by the name of freedom and with the excuse of Mahsa Amini’s death; although the forged prophet of Baha’ism has ...

The position of women in the deviant cult of Baha’ism

The differences between men and women are of the anxioms of Islam. Islam has confirmed it, too and has stated each gender’s duties based in justice and had assumed piety ...

The B.B.C. is serving Baha’ism and the Baha’is are serving the B.B.C.

Baha’ism is a cult made by Britain when the U.K. displayed its anti-Islamic face. It founded this cult for disunity and striking Islam. Of course, the dream which has never ...

Golshan Towhid classes are the first step for educating proselytizer

Mrs. Ziaee, the ex-Baha’i pointed out holding Golshan-e-Towhid classes compulsorily and said: when these kids get older, they will become bigoted on the cult and it will be surprising. She ...
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