
Women don’t possess any position in the deviant cult of Baha’ism

Mahshid Ziaee, the ex-Baha’i said: There are many slogans in the Baha’ism cult but they aren’t acted. Contrary to the slogans, people have to act the rules of the Baha’ism ...

Religious or political Government? The lack of meddling with policy, from claiming to reality

Farah Doustdar said: “religion is not allowed to enter into policy and government and mustn’t meddle with policy and also the government is not allowed to enter into religion and ...
Doustdar family

The Zionistic organization of Baha’ism is following to penetrate into the cultural centers of Iran

Hatef Doustdar is from an organizational and bigoted Baha’i family who has immigrated to Iran from Britain since 1368 S.H. to fulfill expansionist plan of the universal house of justice ...

The election of the Partial Reporter of Baha’ism in the United Nation Organization

 Nazila Qane’a is of the members and planner of Baha’ism organization’s plans was elected as the special reporter of the United Nations in the freedom of belief issues. How were ...

The Baha’is presence in sedition

After 1388 S.H. sedition, investigating the sedition and the present groups in it heightened. One of the debates of those days was the influential presence of the Baha’ism organization in ...

The Baha’is illusion and the disturbance sedition and attacking to people properties

The Baha’is are thinking of overthrowing. Although they are dying generation by generation dreaming of it. However, what the western world is following since its establishment, confirmation and expansion of ...
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Hypocrisy in the Baha’i media

In one side, the Baha’i organization is speaking about peace, friendship and the oneness of humane world and on other side it is spreading hypocritical messages. They are speaking about ...

Baha’ism, Wahhabism and Zionism: hypocrisy triangle

Major General Mohsen Rezaee considered Zionism, Wahhabism and Baha’ism as three ominous offspring of old Colonialism, Britain. They have been created aiming disunity, dissension and gap among Muslims and insecurity ...

The adventure of the office of social and economic development of Baha’ism

The Zionistic organization of Baha’ism has proceeded its plans for proselytizing and making personnel by establishing an office called the office for social and economic development for 40 years. Kamiyar ...

The reformist Baha’is considered Abdul Baha’s will as forged

Considering Shoqi Effendi’s succession, the Baha’is are divided into 3 groups. The reformist Baha’is are assuming Abdul Baha’s will as forged. Another group abolishes it. Most Baha’is have accepted the ...
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