
No proselytizing for Baha’ism

The prohibition of the Baha’is presence and activity in Israel is not due to the order by the self-proclaimed prophet of the cult, but is due to the agreement between ...

How can we accept Baha’ism creed while it has no proof?

Rejecting the divine prophets’ miracles, the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism claimed for his semi-verses can merely be considered as the reason for its legitimacy, but if it were so, why ...

India, the country of cult abundance and a refuge for Baha’ism

long time ago, India has been known as 72-nation country due to theological and cultural variety. A highly populated country in which it accommodated various kinds of religious and cultural ...

Was appointing the successor for the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism the factor for the unity in this cult?

 The Baha’i proselytizers introduced appointing the successor for the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism as the factor for the unity of the Baha’is, but the so-called innocent successors of the self-proclaimed ...

Can the false claim of Bab be interpreted as transmission to the new era?

By: Seyyed Muhammad Reza Salari How can the emergence of Babism claim and the prophethood of Ali Muhammad Bab be interpreted as the gate for transferring to the new era ...

Every activity of the Baha’is is just for teaching the Baha’i faith

Baha'is always claim that the aim of their Social and economic development activities are for the betterment of the society, for the empowerment of women, to lift the levels of ...

Abdul Baha and the adventure of the Excellency Adam and Eve dismissal

Contrary to the clear texts of the divine books, logical principles and even the slogan of Baha’ism creed concerning the prohibition of interpretation, the Excellency Abdul Baha has rejected the ...

The leadership foundation of the deviant cult of Baha’ism rejects the Baha’i fasting

By: Mr. Najafi According to the Baha’i calendar, the name Baha is the name of the first month of the year and the first day of each month. So, “Youmul ...

How do the leaders of the cults misuse the basic spiritual needs of human being?

Question: “Does the emotional confront play an essential role in the attractiveness of the cults?” John Patrick Pederson, the psychologist at the institute, California has argued to explain why people ...

The Baha’i commandments-part 46

Fasting in Baha’ism By: Mr. Kiyani In the Baha’i calendar which is a solar one it starts with the New year . Each year contain 365 days. This calendar contains ...
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