
God loves Abdul Baha?!!!


Is the Baha’ism thought coincided with anarchist?

In order to reject the spiritual stratum and to avoid power in the cult, the Baha’i organization claims for Baha’ism to possess democratic ideology, but what do the commandments which ...

Getting married with the intimates in the Baha’i organization

By: Najafi Although the Baha’is have introduced their creed as heavenly, but in fact they have stood against the divine religions and have posed affairs which are against the teachings ...

The Baha’i Redhvan feast, a celebration with public chaos

What is Redhvan feats? Redhvan feast is coincided with 13th of Al-Jalal month of Badi’a. These days is coincided with Bahaullah’s arrival at Najib Pasha garden in Ordibehesht, 1242 S.H. ...

Good example of interfaith relations in the Baha’i Faith!!!

"In connection with your question regarding the case of Mr. Mrs. ... and their daughter, the Guardian considers that your Assembly did quite right to deprive all three of their voting rights. Their conduct in ...

Baha’is are idol worshipers

Baha'is do not resist the idolatry of the Baha'i administration because they are weak. They are afraid they would be declared "Covenant Breakers" if they were to practice their religion ...

As you sow, so shall you reap

The Baha'is desecrated the grave of Diya'u'llah, the son of Baha'u'llah who was buried alongside his father, calling it 'purification' and 'cleansing'. Next they build this huge building in the ...

Baha’ism attempt to change the lifestyle

By: Sajjad Jamshidi As the soldiers of the universal arrogance, Baha’is are responsible for doing various mission in various communities. One of their important missions in the Islamic lands particularly ...

Baha’is proselytizers and the strategy of recruiting people

In order to recruit people to Baha’ism particularly the youth, the Baha’ism organization uses various tricks such as sexual ones. It causes sedition, unchastity and change in lifestyle in Islamic ...

Is criticizing Baha’ism equal to violating human rights of the Baha’is?

Confronting criticisms of false thoughts of Baha’ism, the Baha’i criticism equal to disrespect and state their beliefs must be respected! While respecting false and destructive beliefs of Baha’ism can provide ...
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