
Why do we say that the Baha’ism source of authority is against the foundation of it?

In its attributed teachings to his father, Abdul Baha has introduced the independent investigation of truth is the first and the theological foundation of the Baha'i cult: "The first basis ...

Cooperating for usurp regime of Israel

By: Ma'soumeh Pour Fadhlullah After the victory of Israel, the Baha'is had been happy with the victory and said officially: "The government of Israel has been the world here in ...

Shoqi Effendi, the third leader of Baha’ism was supported by the Zionistic regime. Why?

By: Mahmoud Ghochan The Baha'i groups opposing Abbas Effendi (to whom the Shoqi opponents were added to them) were present in Palestine and didn’t consider Abbas and Shoqi effendi as ...
Leyla Chaman Khah

The policies of Pahlavi government concerning Baha’ism (1332-1357 S.H.)

Leyla Chaman Khah is the Iranian author and translator who was born in 1353 S.H. She is the assistant professor of political sciences department in Islamic Azad University. She has ...

Why Shoqi Effendi joint with Nazi Germany? (Part 2)

 Shortly after Nazi party gained power and Hitler dictatorship started in Germany, Shoqi Effendi issued a statement addressing the Baha'is emphasizing the necessity for obeying Nazi government of this country. ...
بهائیت و آلمان

Baha’is and obeying The Nazi Germany (part 1)

How did the Baha’ism obey the racist and warmongering party of Nazi? However, after dozens of years, it compares the Islamic system of government with Hitler.      On February, 1934 ...
بهائیت و اسرائیل

Israeli’s belligerence and murder and refraining from a position of condemnation by the Baha’ism organization

During the last month and despite of the struggles of the United Nations’ lords, several resolutions were issued to condemn the occupying regime of Gods. Of course, the Zionistic regime ...

Human beings who are called dog sheep and etc. according to Abdul Baha

The Baha’i proselytizers have used the actions of several Shia youth to insult Shia and called them dogs. They are not only the obedient sheep of their forged creed made ...
fals claimant

The lack of bond with good morality is a proof indicating the lack of the legitimacy of claims!

All the divine prophets have been polite human beings according to history testament and narration left by the previous authors and compilers. Of course, one of the features of the ...

The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism’s view at scholar and the ignorant person

Believing in resurrection and the day of judgment is one of the primary principles of the religion of Islam and all heavenly and divine religions which means becoming alive again ...
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