
Abdul Baha: America is a noble nation and the pioneer of peace in the world

With the excuse of the centenary anniversary of Abdul Baha’s death, the second leader of the deviant cult of Baha’ism (part 3) While ago, the Baha’ism organization has started a ...

The Baha’ism organization must answer: For what sin 2200 Palestinian kids were massacred by the Zionistic regime of Israel while you are; the claimants of general peace are silent?

What is the meaning of the martyrdom of 2200 Palestinian kids during the past 20 years and the silence of human rights assemblies and the organization which is the claimant ...

Leaving bigotry or bigotry: Are the Baha’is bigoted against their kid’s education?

One of the issue used by Baha’ism organization each year starting the education year and is being exploited politically is the issue if being deprived of education especially in academic ...

Abdul Baha’s view to women is contradictory with the Baha’i beliefs

With the excuse of the centenary anniversary of Abdul Baha’s death, the second leader of the deviant cult of Baha’ism (part 2) While ago, the Baha’ism organization has started a ...

Abdul Baha’s dogs

The Baha’i proselytizers have assumed the behaviors of several Shia ignorant youth as an excuse for insulting Shias and calling them as dogs. According to the leaders specifying, not only ...

A glance at the Baha’ism organization call using the strategy of proselytizing and evangelism

In the latest message issued by the universal house of justice dated Nov 27, 2021 A.D. (15 days ago) on the occasion of the centennial anniversary of the second leader ...

Baha’u’llah’s Family Chart

Below is the Detail of the Family Members of Baha’u’llah. Interesting to note that many members of Bahaullah’s family were Ex-Communicated by Abdul-Baha and Shoghi Effendi.   Mirza Husayn Ali ...

The development of Baha’ism by the Jewish

The first people who got Babi in Khorasan were the Jewish people who had become newly Muslims. The most famous of them was Mullah Abdul Khaleq Yazdi. It is interesting ...

The Baha’ism organization in several lines of Sahifeh Nour

“These people are serving in favor of you; otherwise we know you. We know America too. Their humanitarian tempers haven’t been flourished. Now, they are shouting for the sake of ...

Concepts of divine savior forms basic pillar of all divine religions, Imam Khomeini explained

Imam Khomeini through his theological works and historic speeches stressed that the belief and concept of divine savior and reformer who would spread justice is considered to be a basic ...
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