
Why do the Iranian people hate the Baha’ism? In each riot, the Baha’is are involving….

The Baha’ism footsteps have been seen in creating riots in the history of our country; but during the contemporary periods its clear example can be seen in the 1388 sedition. ...

Baha’u’llah’s polygamy: Excuse of following customs of Islam invalid according to reasoning of Shoghi Effendi

The Baha'i justification for Baha'u'llah marrying his first cousin and a woman given to him by a Babi in addition to the teenager he first married has always been "It ...

Why does Baha’ism try to present an unreal image of Israel?!

The role of Judaism in creating and penetrating into the first cores of Baha'ism movement is undoubtedly avoidable. The support of kid-killer regime of Zionism by Baha'ism is one of ...

Why do the Iranian people hate the Baha’is? The Mutual relationship between the Baha’is and America

The American criminal regime started enmity against the Iranian people since the announcement of victory of revolution and the selection of the Islamic Republic of Iran by people as the ...

Who founded the new schools of Iran?

Since 1321 A.H., The Baha’is established their schools in Iran. These schools were communicating with America formally and they elected their students among the offspring of the rich and the ...

The peace claimant must answer: For what sin the third martyr was slain by the Babis

Ayatollah Muhammad Taqi Baraqani known as the 3rd martyr played a key role in guiding people and campaigning against the deviant thoughts of Sheikism and Bahaism. This great scholar was ...

Shua Ullah Behai on the lack of progress of the Baha’i Faith in America  

The illusory Baha’i leaders consider former Baha’i to be afflicted by a contagious disease?!

The Baha’i leaders believe that the former Baha’is are lowly and bearing contagious diseases like tuberculosis which can be communicated; while this claim is contradictory with the teaching of the ...

The claimants of democracy must answer: The elections of the universal house of justice of Baha’is is the most non-democratic one in the world

There isn’t any candidate in the elections of the universal house of justice. No advertisement and debate will be held. The polls are hidden. The counting of votes is secret. ...

The Baha’ism view towards bigotry and its position in speech and action!

Reasoning to Abdul Baha’s speech, the Baha’i proselytizers consider being distant from truth as the agent for deprecating each kind of bigotry in Baha’ism; while if bigotry is obscene, why ...
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