mournin month

Why are the Baha’is dancing in Shia’s mourning month?

A former Baha’i said: The Baha’is have changed the birthday date of their leaders from the solar calendar to the lunar one, 1st and 2nd of the lunar month of ...

When is the establishment of the universal peace according to Abdul Baha?

While the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has considered the divine leader’s science as infallible and related to the divine source, the Baha’ism leaders’ texts contain clear errors that the Baha’i ...

The Unholy Triangle

By: Nadeem Alam Qurayshi History : Where It Began In this article we aim to highlight the unholy triangular nexus between two brothers Mirza Yahya Noori (Subhe Azal) and Mirza ...

What is figured out of freedom by Baha’ism

In order to confront the democratic revolutions against the tyrants, the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has liken liberalism to the fire of unquenchable sedition and assumed it as bestial and ...

The first false claim by Hussein Ali Baha

During his lifetime, Hussein Ali Baha claimed for various positions. Merely three years after Seyyed Ali Muhammad Shirazi’s death, he claimed for his first one as the one whom God ...

The Baha’i commandment-part 33

The Baha’i women are exempt to perform Hajj The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has commanded performing Hajj just for women. However, why must men tolerate such a trip if Baha’ism ...

The Baha’i commandments 32 The Baha’i girl who isn’t virgin isn’t merited to receive dowry!

The leaders of the Baha’ism cult have introduced the equality of woman and man’s rights as their superficially innovative teaching and called it as their honor document; while they have ...

The Baha’i commandments 31

The investigation of the commandment of hair and nail One of the commandment of the Baha’is main book “the Aqdas” is that of not shaving head hair and the necessity ...

Reflection on an invitation “#Iran-without-hate” Part 6

In current solar month of Tir, the deviant cult of Baha’ism runs a campaign called “#Iran-without-hate” by some prominent elements of Baha’ism. Thursday, Tir 24, 1400 S.H., July 15, 2021 ...

Reflection on an invitation “#Iran-without-hate” (part 5)

In current solar month of Tir, the deviant cult of Baha’ism runs a campaign called “#Iran-without-hate” by some prominent elements of Baha’ism. Thursday, Tir 24, 1400 S.H., July 15, 2021 ...
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