کد خبر:10027

“Deviant” a suitable title for the misled cult if Baha’ism

How does Baha’ism criticize the title “deviant” by Muslims while it has insulted the Islamic beliefs and other religions many times and it has even used the title deviant for them?! Rejecting the finality of the holy prophet (P.H.) and having beliefs such as believing in divinity of Hussein Ali Nouri and rejecting and deviating […]

How does Baha’ism criticize the title “deviant” by Muslims while it has insulted the Islamic beliefs and other religions many times and it has even used the title deviant for them?!

Rejecting the finality of the holy prophet (P.H.) and having beliefs such as believing in divinity of Hussein Ali Nouri and rejecting and deviating the promised day of judgment, the Baha’ism cult is out of the divine religions and is being introduced as the deviant cult[1].

However, the leaders of the deviant cult of Baha’ism have been always unhappy with the title of “deviant” applied before the name of the cult and are introducing it as one of the symbols of tyranny and discrimination against the Baha’i believers: “Why is it allowable for the religion of those accused to be mentioned as the deviant cult of Baha’ism?! Is this action indicates that this court isn’t impartial?”

Of course, the Baha’ism which is angry with this title has constantly used the worst titles against the followers of Shia religion. The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism called Shia as the most inferior party and nation in the book “Ishraqat”[۲]. Additionally, Shoqi Effendi used the title “deviant” for the Muslims: “They followed the deviant cult of old enemies from two parties of Sunni and Shia.[3]

In this case, why are the Baha’is complaining about the title of deviant used before their cult while they are able to insult a great number of Muslims especially the Shias using the title of deviant?!

Consequently, if; in Islam, the followers of Baha’ism is called deviant and misled, it will be really natural but according to Baha’ism basis, insulting Muslims’ beliefs and calling Islam as deviant is contrary to the Basis of Baha’ism itself because Baha’ism is emanated from Islam and considered Islam as the last religion and Shia as the true religion:

” الصَّلوةُ و السَّلام علی سید العَالَم و مُربِّی الاُمَم الَّذی بِه إنتَهتِ الرِسالَة و النُبُوَة “[۴]

Of course, not only according to the Islamic basis, the followers of Baha’ism are deviant and misled, but also the Baha’ism leader, Ali Muhammad Bab has called the Baha’is and everybody who rejects the Excellency Imam of the Time (May Allah hasten his reappearance):

” أشهد أن حَلالُه حَلالٌ إلی یَومِ القِیامة و لَم یَنسَخ شریعَتُه… و أشهَدُ أنَّ الیَوم کانَ حُجَّتِکَ مُحَمَّدِ بن الحَسن صَلَواتُکَ عَلَیه و عَلی مُن إتَّبعَه و أشهَدُ أنَّ بَعدَ الأبوابٍ الأربَعه لَیسَ لَهُ بابٌ… و مَن أنکَرَ أحداً مِنهُم فَقَد کَفروا و کانَ مِنَ الخاسرین “[۵]

[۱] For more studies refer to the article: “Who consider the Baha’is as apostate and why?!

[۲] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Ishraqat, Bija: Bina, Bita, 279.

[۳] ibid

[۴] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Ishraqat, Bija, Bita, p. 293.

[۵] Fadhel Mazandarani, private Asrarul Athar, Bija, the national institute of the faith press, 124 Badi’a, Vol. 1, pp. 180-182.

کلیدواژه : Baha’ismcultdeviantmisled
Bahaism in Iran
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