One of the justifications of claiming for divinity by the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism is likening his statements to manifestation. However, this justification won’t be acceptable due to several reasons: 1) Human being cannot be the perfect manifestation of the divine nature. Because it has been created and been week and limited, 2) rejecting manifestation, the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism considered himself as the divine nature and rejected justification.
The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has repeatedly introduced himself as God and also an oppressed one:
” تَفکَّر فی الدُنیا و شأن أهلِها إنَّ الَّذی خَلَقَ العالَم لِنَفسه قَد حبس فی أخرَبِ الدیار بِما اکتَسَبَت أیدی الظالِمین”[۱]
There are numerous such statements in self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism’s works, but no wise human being accepts God is oppressed and is imprisoned by His slave!!! Definitely no. so; for this reason, the Baha’i dignitaries have tried to justify such claims by the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism.
One of these justifications is likening the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism’s statements to Suffi ones and justify them debating the divine manifestation in Hussein Ali Nouri himself.[2]
- Each human being even the most perfect and sincere such as prophets and the divine guardians can never be the perfect manifestation of God’s nature because he/she him/herself has been created and been limited and weak, but God’s nature is creator, unlimited and rich.
How can creatures be the manifestation of God’s nature while they are mortal?
Two justification of manifestation by the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has also been rejected because he himself has clearly rejected manifestation and has called himself as the nature of the lord:
” قل لایری فی هیکلی إلا هیکل الله و لا فی جمالی إلّا جماله و لا فی کینونتی إلّا کینونته و لا فی ذاته إلّا ذاته… قل لم یکن فی نفسی إلا الحق و لایری فی ذاتی إلا الله… إنّنی أنا الله لا إله إلا أنا المهمین القیّوم و لا ازل انطق فی ملکوت الاسماء إنّنی أنا الله لا إله أنا العزیز المحبوب. قل ان الرّبوبیه اسمی… و الالوهیة اسمی”[۳]
[۱] Hussein Ali Nouri, Mobin, handwriting copy (written by Zul Moqurrabain), Bija: The national institute for the faith press, 1294 A.H., p. 56.
[۲] The national spiritual Baha’i assembly of Germany, some excerpts of the Excellency Bahaullah’s works, Germany, The assembly of publishing the faith works, 141 Badi’a, the except 22, p. 43.
[۳] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Mobin book, Vol. 1, p. 14.