کد خبر:10715

Baha’ism in Shia and Wahhabism in Sunni have followed the same aim

Studying and searching about the reports of the history of both creeds indicate that the purpose of establishing both us beating the main pillar and stronghold of campaigning and confronting against Colonialism; that is the pure Muhammadan Islam defined by Shia teachings. This explosive ambulation of Colonialism which is unpleasant for the Colonial systems of […]

Studying and searching about the reports of the history of both creeds indicate that the purpose of establishing both us beating the main pillar and stronghold of campaigning and confronting against Colonialism; that is the pure Muhammadan Islam defined by Shia teachings.

This explosive ambulation of Colonialism which is unpleasant for the Colonial systems of governments of England, France and during the recent century America was pleasant for the Islamic countries interior military arrogance, because it helped the domestic rulers to serve the universal arrogance:

  • Exiting the religion out of social domain headed by police and government.
  • Justifying the presence of Colonialism in servile countries as the only factor of renewal and development.
  • Stabilizing non-Islamic forces in Islamic countries decision making and statemenship.

Three groups were active and studious to enable to transact business:

  1. The rulers who were servile of Colonialism
  2. West oriented thinkers
  3. The followers of religious revival belief

To destroy Islam_Shiism and Sunnism, the Colonialism made creeds and strengthened them for this aim because both Shia and Sunni communities have been exploited in favor of itself.

Deviating Islam and weakening the reality

There are evidences that the universal arrogance has had ominous Colonial aims in both environments using the theological method.

It shouldn’t be forgotten that Baha’ism is following overthrowing and establishing its government across the world[1] .

[۱] Refer to Shoqi effendi, the Blessed writings addressing the eastern disciples, 1992 A.D., p. 502

Bahaism in Iran
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