کد خبر:10907

Baha’ism is a cult which is fighting against wisdom

Roemer’s works are of the first main ones concerning the subjects of Babism and Baha’ism which have been published in Germany. In addition to historical studies, they consist of extensive studies in investigating and criticizing the Babi and Baha’i teachings, too. Hetman Roemer considers Babism and Baha’ism as a cult which is fighting against wisdom […]

Roemer’s works are of the first main ones concerning the subjects of Babism and Baha’ism which have been published in Germany. In addition to historical studies, they consist of extensive studies in investigating and criticizing the Babi and Baha’i teachings, too. Hetman Roemer considers Babism and Baha’ism as a cult which is fighting against wisdom influenced by secret sciences of Ismaeeli and letters of Kabala and Baktashi dervishes.

Hermann Roemer is a Protestant clergyman and speaker who was born on July, 8, 1880 A.D. in Germany, Stuttgart. Roemer educated at theology and philosophy college of Tubingen and Halle university during the years 1898-1902 A.D. His masters were professor Hering, Hegler, Koller, Reichle, Slitter, Siebold. After finishing his education, he became busy being active in searching in the field of religions in Basler city and also being active in theology of Protestant seminars in Stuttgart. At that period of time, he became the head of specialized and research Seminars of the Bible suggested by Tiibingen theology college.

Herman Roemer stresses about his research aims: “In 1907 A.D., I observed Stuttgart Baha’is association be established and I always felt a practical research be required to answer Baha’ism proselytizing in Germany.” For this reason, Roemer compiled his book called “Babism and Baha’ism, a research in the history of the Islamic religions”. His book entitled “Die Babi Baha’i, Eine studie Zur religionsgeschichte des Islam” was in fact his Ph.D. thesis which was presented in 1911 A.D. To faculty of philosophy, university of Tubingen. This book was his first work about Babism and Baha’ism. In 1908 A.D, he wrote an article criticizing Babism[1] and Baha’ism following a research concerning the history of religious proselytizings in Germany. He wrote an article entitled. “The proselytizing of Asian religions in the west”.[۲]

In 1912 A.D., he wrote a book entitled “Babism and Baha’ism, the last cult branched from Islam”, “Die Babi-Baha’i, the latest Mohammedan sect”

Roemer’s works were the first main one in Babism and Baha’ism subject published in Germany. In addition to historical studies, they include extensive researches criticizing and investigating Babi and Baha’i teachings. The main subject of the book, “Babism and Baha’ism, a research in the history of Islamic religions was about the investigation of the fundamental principles of Babi and Baha’i teachings in knowing God, manifestation, human being position and prosperity. His works were criticizing Babism and Baha’ism teachings influenced by Ignaz Goldziher’s style and thoughts.

[۱] DER Bahaismus, in Evangelisches Missions- Magazin, new series, Vol. 52, pp. 321-331.

[۲] Die propaganda fur asiatische religionen im Abendland: in Basler missionsstudien, issue 10, pp. 45-55

Bahaism in Iran
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