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The documentation of the organizational and proselytizing conviction of the Baha’ism members

When according to the law, the organizational and proselytizing activities of Baha’ism are included to be punished how is it possible for the conviction of the members of the organization and proselytizers of Baha’ism in Iran be introduced due to belief?! The Baha’ism organization is claiming for the Baha’is to be denounced in the judicial […]

When according to the law, the organizational and proselytizing activities of Baha’ism are included to be punished how is it possible for the conviction of the members of the organization and proselytizers of Baha’ism in Iran be introduced due to belief?!

The Baha’ism organization is claiming for the Baha’is to be denounced in the judicial courts due to their beliefs since the beginning of the Islamic Revolution. So, whenever the news of detention or conviction of a Baha’i is being spread across the country, Baha’ism introduces its reason as the person’s belief in Baha’ism!

However; contrary to this claim, one of the aspects of the Baha’is conviction in Iran is perpetrating organizational and proselytizing affairs. After the Islamic Revolution and in 1362 S.H., the Baha’ism organization Iran was announced to be illegal in Iran (due to its relationships with the hostile countries and governments and its betrayals against Iran during Pahlavi regime, trying to overthrow in Iran and proselytizing its creed illegally)[1], but this organization never quit its illegal measures.

In its plans, the Baha’ism organization follows expansionism in different kinds. One of the aspects of expansionism of Baha’ism is executing the economic social development plan of this cult. Consequently, the Baha’ism organization focuses on indirect proselytizing and influencing on people of all walks of life instead of direct proselytizing, introducing Baha’ism beliefs and presenting reason for researchers to such an extent that it is spoken in 14th paragraph of the articles of association of the Baha’ism economic and social development (osed) about the relationship between proselytizing and economic –social development.[2]

Thus, the central cores of the organization and the Baha’ism proselytizers in Iran never quit making net and emphasizing on maximum and illegal proselytizing. For example, even the Baha’i media confess when proselytizers or the members of the Baha’i organization is being arrested, the proselytizing means such as books, the deviant cult’s booklets and the evidence concerning their relationships with the Zionistic organization of Baha’ism are found.[3]

It is interesting to be noted that the Baha’ism organization sacrifices the definite order for obeying the governments for their expansionism in Iran[4]. Additionally, they are emphasizing on making net, proselytizing and trying for overthrowing or making the Baha’i government.[5]

Anyway, the members of the illegal organization of Baha’ism and the Baha’i proselytizers who are even trampling their leaders’ order in obeying the government are included to be punished according to the articles 498, 499, 500 and 508 of the Islamic punishment law.

Article 498 of the Islamic penal code of the Islamic Republic of Iran criminalizes the establishment of any groups that aim to “disrupt national security.

Article 499: Anyone who joins, as a member, any of the groups, societies or branches aforementioned in article 498 shall be sentenced to three months to five years’ imprisonment unless it is proved that he had been unaware of its aims.

Article 500: Anyone who engages in any type of propaganda against the Islamic Republic of Iran or support of opposition groups and associations, shall be sentenced to 3 months to one year of imprisonment.

Article508: Anyone who cooperates by any means with foreign states against the Islamic Republic of Iran if not considered as Mohareb shall be sentenced to one to 10 years’ imprisonment[6].

Yes; when according to the law, the organizational and proselytizing activities of Baha’ism are included to be punished, how is it possible for the conviction of the members of the Baha’ism organization and the Baha’ism proselytizers in Iran be introduced due to belief?!

[۱] Refer to Zahed Zahedani, Baha’ism in Iran, Bija: The center for the documents of the Islamic Revolution, 1981 S.H., pp. 307-317

[۲] Economic and social development, a glance at the messages of the highest promise and the statements of economic and social development office (OSED) 1983 A.D. to Redhvan 2010 A.D.

[۳] For more studies refer to the following articles: “The wave of arresting the members of the Baha’ism organization in Iran”, “concerning arresting one of the Baha’i proselytizers”, “the antecedent of proselytizing for the kids/ making case or strategy of Baha’ism”.

[۴] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas (the Introduction of the book), the electronic copy, p. 14.

[۵] Refer to Shoqi effendi, the blessed writings addressing the disciples of the east, Germany: The national assembly of publishing the faith works, 1992 A.D., p. 502.

[۶] Muhammad Dalir Rad, the Iranian Islamic Penal Code, Bija: Medicine college, spring 1395 S.H., p. 97.

Bahaism in Iran
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