کد خبر:11127

A summit in the heart of the usurp and tyrant Zionistic regime

The center of the deviant cult of Baha’ism stated that[1] the representatives and counsellors of this cult have entered into Haifa city, Palestine to participate at the summit of this cult. This gathering is a shameful one held every five years in the administrative and spiritual center of the Baha’i community in the heart of […]

The center of the deviant cult of Baha’ism stated that[1] the representatives and counsellors of this cult have entered into Haifa city, Palestine to participate at the summit of this cult. This gathering is a shameful one held every five years in the administrative and spiritual center of the Baha’i community in the heart of the oppressed land of Palestine supported by the usurp kid-killer regime of Israel. The summit was held in the occupied lands while the European countries are declaring tyranny, killing and usurping land, house and farms of the people of Palestine by the usurp regime of Israel. In this regard, in the solar month of Day 1401 S.H., the United Nations passed the draft of Palestine’s plea for issuing the legal commandment by the international court of justice regarding the judicial nature of occupying by Israel in Palestine land such as the occupied Qods[2]. Now, it is remarkable to be noted that the summits of this cult are being held in the heart of the occupied lands totally supported by the tyrant and usurp Zionistic regime recognizing the unclean nature of this cult made by Colonialism.

The really remarkable note is that there is a radical and principle vicinity between the usurp Zionistic regime and the deviant cult of Baha’ism both of which have been supported and accommodated by the Colonial government such as the Great Britain. These both movements have been originated from the Colonial countries like England. The Colonial countries are misusing such movements to achieve their benefits. These two movement have been designed and guided to confront against Islam and even monotheistic religions in west pf the Middle East and northern Africa. Of course, later on, it has been expanded in the eastern Asian countries such as Indonesia (the most populated Muslim country in the world) and Malaysia. Because, this issue is clearly understandable by investigating the teachings and texts of this deviant cult and the historical function of these movements.

[۱] The website of the Baha’ism news community

[۲] According to ISNA correspondence (1401/10/10), the general assembly of the United Nations passed the draft of Palestine’s plea for issuing the legal commandment by the international court of justice concerning the indicial nature of occupying by Israel in Palestine land such as the occupied Qods. It is reported that 87 countries agreed with the draft and 26 me4mbers disagreed with it and 53 countries didn’t participate at the voting.

Bahaism in Iran