کد خبر:11503

Fighting against hope by the deviant cult of Baha ism

Thinkers are familiar with Francis Fukuyama, the researcher and historian from Japan and the and author of the book “the end of history”. He says in 1367 S. H. in a speech entitled: recognition of Shia identity”: “Shia is a bird whose flight horizon is higher than our arrows. A bird which has two wings: […]

Thinkers are familiar with Francis Fukuyama, the researcher and

historian from Japan and the and author of the book “the end of

history”. He says in 1367 S. H. in a speech entitled: recognition of Shia identity”:

“Shia is a bird whose flight horizon is higher than our arrows. A bird which has two wings: a green wing and a red one. The green wing of this bird is Mahdism and asking for justice and its red wing is asking for martyrdom originated from Karbala. These two wings have made Shia immortal.”

Fukuyama is also saying: “but this bird is wearing armor called accepting guardianship whose power becomes more having

this armor. Among the Islamic religions, Shia is the mere

one believing in religious jurisprudence guardianship; that is, Karbala and Mahdism useless. In order to defeat a nation, you must change people’s desire. Consequently, cross out the religious jurisprudence first and then the greed for martyrdom will be changed into the greed for welfare. If you crossed out both the guardianship and martyrdom, the thoughts of Mahdism would be removed out of the Shia community.

      In order to weaken Shia, Fukuyama says: ” We must proselytize extensively against Shia sources of religious authorities and leader’s

in order for them to lose their acceptability among people. There is no way but working on culture of Ashoora and greed for martyrdom. We must shake Shia beliefs and bases and the culture of greed for martyrdom by supporting orators, panegyrists and promoters of religious ceremonies financially and create deflective issues; so that, a Shia person is seemed to be a superstitious ignorant one. We must expand and preach the gathered materials which are against Shia sources of religious authorities by panegyrist who are pushers. We must undo sources of religious authority by 1389 who are the main barriers of our goals via Shias themselves and other Islamic religions and at last defeat this culture and religion.

       One of those who fight against Imamate, guardianship and Imam of the Time (May God hasten his reappearance) is the deviant cult of Baha’ism. Baha’ism is considering Islam as terminated and abolished and announcing itself as a new religion compatible with the

circumstances of the Contemporary world. In this way, it is going to fight against two billion Muslims, who are bond with the Islamic teachings and commandments and don’t stand the negation of finality of the holy prophet and Mahdi (P.H.)  and rejecting the Excellency Mahdi (P.H.).

       Baha’ism is ignorant about this fact that Shia Islamic Community has been established on the basis of the guardian of the holy Imams (peace be upon them) which won’t be shaken by the null cults of Colonialism. According to holy Quran:

ونريد ان نمن على الذين استضعفوا فى الارض ونجعلهم ائمه ونجعلهم الوارثین

Bahaism in Iran