کد خبر:11539

The deviant cult of Baha’ism or the terroristic net

From assassinating Nasereuddin Shah Gajar (1230 S.H.) to the martyrdom of Ruhullah Ajamiyan (1401 S.H.) The deviant cult of Baha’ism is the twin brother of international Zionistic terrorism Even contrary to definition of religion, Baha’ism has never offered personal method of life to its followers. However, it commits them to follow a cosmopolitan system whose […]

From assassinating Nasereuddin Shah Gajar (1230 S.H.) to the martyrdom of Ruhullah Ajamiyan (1401 S.H.)

The deviant cult of Baha’ism is the twin brother of international Zionistic terrorism

Even contrary to definition of religion, Baha’ism has never offered personal method of life to its followers. However, it commits them to follow a cosmopolitan system whose main base is located at the universal house of justice. As a matter of fact, Baha’ism Commits its follower to regulate the orders of the universal house of justice not to

follow frameworks and rules. Even, if a country is fighting everybody must avoid fighting when the universal house of justice recognizes such as during the imposed war between Iran and Iraq happened in 1359 S.H. when the Baka is didn’t defend the country against Iraqi troops contrary to other citizens of the system of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran including Muslims, Jewish, Christians.

       In this way, it can be clearly noted that Baha ism isn’t a religion

but it is a political party seeking for creating a powerful net among

its followers in the farthest parts of the world following the universal house of justice avarices.

       The Baha’is and their role in the first terroristic modern net in Iran

After repressing Bab’s sedition by Amir the Great, the Babis

changed into a hidden terroristic cult and recorded their name in Iranian history as” the founders of modern terrorism”. The

plan for assassinating the Shah, Amir the Great and the leader of Friday prayer were of the plans discovered to be conducted by Babis.

       Plundering Iran during World War II

During the contemporary periods of time, the Baha’is have repeatedly acted against national benefits of the Iranians; for instance, the descendants of famous Baha’i families can be observed in smuggling and accumulating wealth during horrible famine in world war II on. Concerning this case, there are two documents: The one is a report which is top secret dated March 13, 1943 A.D. related to the American ministry. foreign affairs in Washington to the American embassy in Tehran city concerned with Smuggling operation of Yosof Mottahedeh (resided inTehran, Rashti house) and his son R-Mottahedeh (resided in America, New York, 5th Ave., NO. 225). The correspondence between the father and Son indicates that they were busy smuggling goods which was violating the commercial rules between Iran and America.

       The second document is another report related to the American embassy in Tehran city which shows that Abul Hassan Ebtehaj, 40, the general chairman of the Iranian national bank whom his elder brother was the spy of the British intelligent service during jungle movement. Amid financial crisis during World War II in 1944 A.D., he has transferred 35 million Rials abroad.

The assassination of Naseruddin Shah Qajar

        This event can be assumed as the most important one

of Babism and Baha’ism history politically. After the execution of Seyyed Ali Muhammad Bab by Amir the Great which was done for Babism adventure to be terminated.

         A group of Babis headed by Sheikh Ali Torshizi were to kill Naseruddin Shah, Amir the great, and the leader of Friday prayer, but it was aborted and 38 Babis were arrested killed.

         Amanullah Shafa, the Known Baha’i ex-proselytizer

believes that Shah’s assassination has been ordered by Bahaullah

(Hussein Ali Nouri) and hundreds of people were massacred by

His ominous plan.

The assassination of the third martyr:

         Undoubtedly, late Mullah Muhammad Tagi Baragani was murdered by the Babis planned by Qorratul Ein (one of special disciples of Bab). The Baha’i Muhammad Mostafa Bagdadi says about Gorratul Ein’s last trip to Qazvin: Qorratul Ein Said to me (I was a 10-year-old kid at that time) to tell to them ( the Babis who were along with Qorratul Ein): leave Qazvin cos a great event is going to be happened in Qazvin City which will shake it. You will be killed while God has prescribed you important tasks especially for you and your father, Sheikh Muhammad. I came back home and conveyed his message to everybody. They said to come back and say why sheikh Saleh Karimi and Mullah Ibrahim Mahallati don’t leave Qawin. I returned and said. She said to me to come back and tell: It is the

time for Sheikh Saleh Karimi and multal Ibrahim Mahallate to be martyred… after 15 days Hajj Mullah Tagi Baragani was killed. Because he was cursing Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee and Seyyed

Kazem Rashiti who were giving good news about the emergence of the Excellency the highest and was also cursing seyyed Ali Muhammad Bab.

۳) The assassinations happened inside the Baha ism cult

    The assassinations happened inside the Baha’ism cult are as follows: the murder of Mirza Asadullah Dayyan. Mirza Asadullah Dagyan was the writer of the book Bayan and other writings of Ali Muhammad Bab and was of the founders of Hayy letters. He knew many secrets of Babism emergence. Mirza Agha Khan Kermani writes: Because Mirza Hussein Ali assumed Mirza Asadullah as the destroyer of his affairs, he sent Mirza Muhammad Mazandarani to Kill him.”

     The other murder happened inside the cult were killing of 3 followers of Mirza Yahya Sobhi Azal in Acre. The Baha’is of Acre decided to kill him. First, they decided Nasir Bagdadi to take

over this responsibility, but then they changed their mind So; in 1288 A.H., seven Baba’ is attacked the above-mentioned people’s houses in Acre and murdered seyyed Muhammad Isfahani, Agha Jan Kajkotah and Mirza Reza Qoli Tafrashi.

۴) The execution of sheikh Fadhl Allah Nouri:

The terroristic trend of the deviant cult of Baha’ism continued in

Iran especially during the Constitutional revolution and

heightened after it.

The terroristic activities of the Baha’is during the Constitution periods of time bonded with people such as Mohiee Abdul Hussein Khan Moez-al-Soltan, Ehsan Allah Khan Doustdar, Asadullah Khan Abul Fath Zadeh, Ibrahim Khan Monshi Zadeh and Muhammad Nazar Khan Meshkatul Mamalek. Their meetings were held in Ibrahim Hakimi’s house (Hakim_al_Molk), the next prime minister of Pahlavi periods of time. Most of its members were Azali Babi and Baha’is. In 1327 A.H., Abul Fath Zadeh and Monshi Zadeh along with Zeinul Abedin

Khan Musta’nul Molk established a terroristic group called Jahangir Committee. In the meetings of this group, the Commandment of Sheikh Fadhullah Nour’s death was issued. The public prosecutor of the court was “Sheikh Ibratiom Zanjani influenced by Mirza Mahdi Khan Qaffari Kashi, the member of the Baha’i cult.

۵) ISIS-Liked and terroristic behaviors of the deviant cult of Baha’ism in Iraq

When Babis were exited to Iraq, they committed shameful crimes every day. For instance, Hussein Ali Baha misused the chaotic circumstances of Iraq and killed his opponent one by one. Ezzieh Khanom has called this group who Killed the Babis of Iraq headed by Hussein Ali Nouri as bloodthirsty executioners. She says: seyyed Ismaeel Isfahani was beheaded. Haji Mirza Ahmad Kashi’s belly was torn. They killed Agha Abul Qasem Kashi and throw him in Tigris. They killed seyyed Ahmad. They decomposed Mirza Reza’s head who was seyyed Muhammad’s maternal uncle. They killed Mirza Ali.

۶) Other terroristic measures done by the deviant cult during Naserruddin Shah Qajar’s period of time

For example, the murder of seyyed Abul Hassan Kalantar Sirjan (1324 A.H.) which was ended in people’s riot in Sirjan against the Baha’is. The murder of Muhammad Fakhkhar ordered by Baha’ism assembly in Yazd and the murder of 6-people family in Abargou ordered by the Baha’ism assembly.

۷) Execution of revolutionists during Pahlavi government including martyr Tayyeb

Tayyeb Hajj Rezaee and Hajj Ismaeel Rezaee were executed on Aban 11, 1342 S.H. due to their activities against the deviant cult of Baha’ism.

۸) The terroristic measures of the deviant cult of Baha’ism after


The Islamic revolution

-Niloufar Bayani, a Baha’i was spying in nuclear and military affairs misusing the environment.

-During 1388 S.H. sedition, several Baha’is were present in the riots

-Some Baha’i elements were arrested in the riots in 1401 S.H. For instance, two Baha’i physicians were present in the riots which ended in martyrdom of some people.

-Mahvash Sabet and Fariba Kamal Abadi were condemned to be imprisoned again for 10 years because they were the executors of overthrowing plans of Baha’ism Organization.


Bahaism in Iran