کد خبر:11653

misusing Sunni jurisprudence position by Abdul Hamid

Pay attention to these words of Mawlavi Abdul Hamid: “We have said many times that we do not have Shiites or Sunnis. We don’t have tribes here, all Iranians are the same, from Zoroastrians to Dervishes and all the religions here, the methods here, the tendencies… even the Baha’is! The Baha’is are also human beings, […]

Pay attention to these words of Mawlavi Abdul Hamid: “We have said many times that we do not have Shiites or Sunnis. We don’t have tribes here, all Iranians are the same, from Zoroastrians to Dervishes and all the religions here, the methods here, the tendencies… even the Baha’is! The Baha’is are also human beings, they belong to Iran, they have rights, their rights should be respected.” Following these words, one of the Sunni researchers raised a question from several major Sunni centers; What is the commandment regarding Baha’ism in Islam? He asked this question from these centers: Saravan Darul Uloom, Lebanon’s Dar al-Ifta, and Egypt’s Dar al-Ifta. Finally, he concluded that: The Baha’is are outside of Islam and whoever becomes a Baha’i is an apostate and this is a social issue. Now this question is raised that; Is a cult outside of Islam or an apostate’s right similar to Muslims? Is this the idea of Islam?

And for this reason, he considers the opinions outside the framework of the rules of Islam to be deviant.

But the question is, why do some Sunni scholars issue a statement in support of Abdul Hamid? Are these statements for the interests of Islam or for personal and party interests? Can the interests of Islam be sacrificed for party and personal interests? Abdul Hamid says today: Baha’is have the same citizenship rights as Muslims because they are all on the Iranian ship. The day will definitely come when he will say that Iranian homosexuals have the same citizenship rights and are on the Iranian ship. He clarified his position and showed that his views are not in accordance with Islam, but the few traditionalist scholars who defended him, both in Iran and in the Islamic world, must clarify their position regarding Abdul Hamid’s Islam, otherwise there will come a day when regret will not help.

Source: www.baha9.ir

Bahaism in Iran