کد خبر:11770

The evangelic Christianity and Baha’ism, two Zionistic Satanic cults

Baha’ism, Intellectually, reality and Straight path can’t have more ways but just one; although it is worthy to discuss which path is true. Theologically, the path which has become distinct by God is just the path of the prophets and divine Imams (peace be upon them). However, when we step beyond reality, we will observe […]


Intellectually, reality and Straight path can’t have more ways but just one; although it is worthy to discuss which path is true. Theologically, the path which has become distinct by God is just the path of the

prophets and divine Imams (peace be upon them).

However, when we step beyond reality, we will observe that each note, and teaching which has been deviant from wisdom domain will be entered into imagination. A world possessing absurdity essence although it displays pretty various appearance. Satan has played its role well in imagination world in deviant cults.

Humane and Jenn Satans have been able to create knowledge similar to the original one in order to mislead human being in each era well.

Because each deviant speech and behavior is against wisdom and

originated from imagination each wise person can criticize the deviant

cults. Nevertheless; outwardly, falsehood possesses lots of varieties which are deceptive in imagination world.

As a matter of fact, they are against wisdom because they are against right, but technically and the words they use are separated. Baha’ism and Zionistic Christianity have been created in imagination world. Both are against wisdom possessing their own words and appearance.

It can be pointed out the experiences of ex-Baha is who have served these cults for years. The Excellency Husband[1] who has spent many years in the most misled cults is mentioning the notes which are remarkable.

He was searching for peace, Kindness and friendship. Eventually, he found out the contents of these two cults and introduced

them as liars.

He grew up in a protestant family without any special dependence on

church. He has been the member evangelic – Christian church but since 15 to 20 years of age[2]. However; after entering at university he concluded that most materials offered by Christian missioners and

priests are false and lies.

The following are some characteristics common between Baha’ism and Christianity:

-These cults aren’t using any logic to proceed their aims, but they have to introduce some lies instead of beliefs in their cults.

-Baha’ism and evangelists have selected some teachings from Islam and Christianity respectively.

-Both of them are claiming for peace, but they support violent groups and movements against their opponents. These two forged cults were supporting people nonstop to stay at streets to create insecurity during the riots of 1401 S.H. in Iran which ended in martyrdom of several Iranian people.[3]

-These two cults are newly-established and were created centuries after the emergence of their original religions. So, they are quite deviant.

-Both groups possess apparent seditions which have been prohibited in the original religion.

-In order to proceed their aims, they are supporting and cooperating with even the opponents of the original religion.

-Both cults are supported by satanic universal Zionism.

-Both cults are aiming to boycott and destroy the Iranian Islamic community.

It is obvious that if a religion has not been presented by God, it will be in lack of humane and spiritual concepts, and won’t be able to satisfy pure essence of human being although it is claiming for peace and kindness.

[۱] An ex-Baha’i thinker and lecturer born in 1969 A.D.

[۲] https://bahaismiran.com/?p=11601

[۳] http://ferghepajoohi.com/1402

Bahaism in Iran