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The religious fetwas of Sunni Muftis about Baha’ism-part 4

Sattar Mohyedin Al-Khatib The great Islamic writer Sattar Mohyedin Al-Khatib, on page 8 of the book Darasat Anal Babiya va Bahaiya (Studies About Babis and Bahais) has written: “Some are of the idea that hands of foreign countries, either Britain or Russia, could be seen behind this religion (Bahaism) and that those are the same hands which have […]

Sattar Mohyedin Al-Khatib

The great Islamic writer Sattar Mohyedin Al-Khatib, on page 8 of the book Darasat Anal Babiya va Bahaiya (Studies About Babis and Bahais) has written: “Some are of the idea that hands of foreign countries, either Britain or Russia, could be seen behind this religion (Bahaism) and that those are the same hands which have invented Bahaism and Babism. But, in my opinion, this is an exaggerated comment since foreigners are not capable of creating such religious trends. However, they would not hesitate to misuse such sects after their emergence to their own advantage.”

Also, on page 41 of the above-mentioned book, Ali Al-Mansour, the consultant of the chairman of the Administrative Court of the Council of Ministers of Egypt, has been quoted as saying: “Bahaism is one of the invented sects which has been excommunicated from Islam and its followers are apostate and there apostasy.”

The Committee of religious rulings of Al-Azhar University has also ruled that, “Bahai faith is unvalid and has no connection with Islam. Any Muslim who converts to Bahaism is an apostate and infidel.”

Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Qayyoumi- the head of the Islamic research committee

He has expressed: “The Baha’is a cult out of Islam which have overflown against Islam and Baha’ism is one of the most dangerous forces against Islam which has been made regarded by Zionism supported by the enemies of Islam.

Dr. Sheikh Abdolmon’en al-Nahr

Dr. Sheikh Abdolmon’en al-Nahr, a renowned Muslim personality comments on the apostasy and excommunication of the Baha’is as follows:

“We know that the Baha’is were formerly Muslims but they later abandoned Islam and founded a new creed in order to harm the religion. Therefore, from the very beginning of the advent of this pseudo-religion, religious rulings have been issued against them, either they were Muslims and were converted to Bahaism, or were born of Baha’i parents. There is a unanimity of views among Muftis in this connection.”

Abdol Aziz Nashi

Mr. Abdol Aziz Nashi, a teacher and himself a student of Seyyed Rashid Reza, delivered a speech at the Islamic Guidance Society of Cairo which appeared on page 24 of the book Azva va Haqayeq Anal Babiya val Bahaiya (facts about Babis and Bahais): “..In my opinion, it is a duty shouldered by the scientists, orators and thinkers, as well as all those who are influential among the people, men and women and all those who could read and write, to advise Muslims and warn them against being deceived by Bahaism and against attending their circles or reading their books-Bahia’s are the most dangerous axes created to uproot Islam.”

Dr. Mohammad Nassir 

Dr. Mohammad Nassir on page 59 of Azva va Haqayeq Anal Babiya val Bahaiya (facts about Babis and Bahais) has commented about the interest of imperialism and Zionism to support this sect and written: “Bahais say that the proof to the emergence of Baha is the influence of his words and expansion of his invitation in the absence of any human liaison but rather through the Divine Will. Such a reasoning is in fact a proof to the selfishness of the Bahais and is quite untrue. The Bahais have been attacked everywhere except for those places where imperialism and Zionism according to their advantages have supported them.”

As a proof to his statement, he has mentioned an instance in the next two pages of the book, saying: “…Abdol Baha continued his services for imperialism as he was serving the interests of Zionism in the same manner. Abdol Baha helped the British and the Indians to dominate over Palestine in the course of the World War I and after the war ended to the advantage of Britain, the British government in a splendid ceremony held on April 27, 1920 at a military headquarter in Haifa, presented him with the decoration, the Imperial House of Britain. Meanwhile, Zionism sensitively responded towards news concerning Bahaism. For instance, at the time of the formation of the Bahai circle, the report was repeatedly broadcast by Israeli radio stations, together with congratulations and felicitations on the occasion of their new year. In return, representatives of international Bahaism appreciated the kind attitude of the Israeli government towards the Bahais..There are other instances proving an amicable tie between Zionism and Bahaism.”

Professor Bent al-Shati

Professor Bent al-Shati, on the relation between Bahaism and Zionism says: “Zionism has been unmasked and has mobilized all its forces at the service of Abdol Baha. He has wasted properties of the Jews in order to render financial assistance to a faith which has emerged according to the interests of Israel. It has also mobilized a group of followers of the faith in the Islamic East, where Abbas Afandi had faced the severest Muslim resistance, in order to propagate in favour of the sect and expand the dimension of its domination.

It was at the time of Baha when Zionism was unmasked and revealed its vicious scheme ‘from the Nile to the Euphrates’ and commissioned Bahaism as one of its collaborators to pave the way for the entry of Judaism into the ‘Promised Land’. Abdol Baha then wrote a treatise called Surat-ol Muluk in which he criticized the Turkish monarch under the pretext of making a distinction between the rights of Muslims and those of the Jews. The headquarters of Bahaism on ‘Al-Karmal’ mountain has become a den for the ring leaders of international Zionism and their mercenaries among whom some had been assigned to major posts in Israeli institutions since the birth of the Israeli regime.

Mr. Khaled Mohammad Khaled

Mr. Khaled Mohammad Khaled, a Muslim thinker, expressed his ideas on Bahaism and its fabricated ideologies as: “My study about Bahaism revealed an ugly profile of the faith. The late Imam Sheikh Mohammad AI-Khezr Hussein had made a survey over the sect and had obtained deep knowledge about it. In one instance he has said; ‘This sect is excommunicated from Islam and its followers who claim to be commissioned for prophetic missions and even go far beyond that, and who deny miracles under the pretext of being irrational-and do not believe in the Resurrection Day, Heaven and Hell, who disregard Hajj and even intend to destroy Ka’aba, are apostate. Bahaism is an invention of a ‘mind’ which had various political inclinations and, therefore, the faith is considered as a deceitful religion.”

Source: http://www.bahaiawareness.com/


Bahaism in Iran