کد خبر:12018

Do the Baha’is have the criteria for citizenship?

“Citizenship” is a complex and multifaceted concept that is influenced by a wide range of social, political and cultural factors. The following four criteria show the internalization of a person’s position and membership as a citizen: ۱- Belonging ۲- solidarity with people, ۳- identification with the society, ۴- loyalty. The mentioned criteria emphasize the importance […]

“Citizenship” is a complex and multifaceted concept that is influenced by a wide range of social, political and cultural factors.

The following four criteria show the internalization of a person’s position and membership as a citizen:

۱- Belonging

۲- solidarity with people,

۳- identification with the society,

۴- loyalty.

The mentioned criteria emphasize the importance of mental attitudes and psychological, sociological and political links in granting citizenship. In fact, these criteria justify the internal alignment with the national and political society and the granting of citizenship rights to its members.

Therefore, if citizenship is based on these four foundations, citizenship rights will be completely meaningful and sustainable.

It is important to note that different political systems and ideologies may prioritize these criteria differently. Also, it should be noted that the laws of different countries include criteria such as birth, ancestry, cultural ties, long-term residence, military service, etc. for granting citizenship. But the basis of all these titles is nothing but the same four mentioned criteria. In addition, these criteria are existential, not non-existent. Therefore, in doubtful cases, they need to be verified. Now the question is: Do the Baha’is have these criteria? In this regard, it is proposed to compare the mentioned items with some Baha’i intellectual principles in order to determine the status of Baha’i citizenship in each country and government:

۱- From the point of view of the main leaders of the deviant cult of Baha’ism, the slightest political intervention is not allowed, in the heart, in the face, in the tongue, or in the interior according to the words of the guardian and the command of God. The mentioned article is stated exactly by Hussain Ali Nouri, the leader of this misguided cult. Here is the question:

What is the relationship between this ruling and democracy, which is one of the political achievements of mankind in the present era? What is the meaning of participation in elections and the right to self-determination of every citizen of a country? Does it not deprive the people of the right to self-determination? What is the relationship with social belonging, solidarity with people, identification with society, loyalty? At the same time, elections are actually a sense of belonging to the society and the people and create national solidarity in the society.

          Even the main countries that support this deviant cult, such as the child-killing regime of Israel, the arrogant America, and the cunning England, have elections and democracy.

۲- The need to leave prejudices

The Baha’i cult promotes cultural and religious acceptance. Baha’is believe that accepting the principle of the oneness of man requires all kinds of prejudice, including racial, class, ethnic, linguistic, religious, gender, etc. be removed. Baha’i sources state that prejudice which is a false image of others does not allow people to see all human beings as equal and honorable. In the Baha’i works, all kinds of prejudices, including political, racial, religious, ethnic, and economic ones, have been introduced as the cause of the destruction of human society, and eliminating prejudices is considered a means of achieving the unity and progress of human society.

Now the questions that are raised in this regard are:

– What does abandoning national and religious prejudices have to do with preserving national and religious values?

– What does abandoning national and religious prejudices have to do with maintaining the borders of that country?

– what should be done if a country attacks ours? Should we give the country to the attacking country because there should be no national prejudice?

– how do they behave if a country experiences internal tension in political issues?

۳- Religion should be the cause of affection and love between people

One of the conditions that the works of this misguided cult set for religion is that religion must be the cause of peace, comfort, affection and love among people, otherwise the name of religion cannot be given to it. If religion, which itself should be the cure for differences, causes differences, wars, and separation, atheism is better than that according to Abdu’l-Bahá.

Questions raised in this regard:

Certainly, one of the conditions of religions is to create peace, love and comfort for the people of the society. As the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him) created and spread this practical action with his behavior during his mission in the ignorant and violent society of the people of that day. As the Holy Qur’an mentions his morals as “a great character” and he himself said, “I was sent to perfect morals.”

-Indeed, I have been sent to perfect my morals.

And also, the important motivations of sending the prophets are to cultivate the souls and souls of the people from mental diseases which are the source of all bad morals, so that the virtues of morality can be seen in the society. We read in the holy Quran:

لَقَدْ مَنَّ الله عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنینَ اِذْ بَعَثَ فیهِمْ رَسُولاً مِنْ اَنْفُسِهِمْ یَتْلُوا عَلَیْهِمْ آیاتِهِ وَ یُزَکِّیهِمْ وَ یُعَلِّمُهُمُ الْکِتابَ وَ الْحِکْمَهَ وَ اِنْ کانُوا مِنْ قَبْلُ لَفی‏ ضَلالٍ مُبینٍ

“Allah did confer a great favour on the believers when He sent among them a messenger from among themselves, rehearsing unto them the Signs of Allah, sanctifying them, and instructing them in Scripture and Wisdom, while, before that, they had been in manifest error.” [Al-Imran/164]

Therefore, there is no doubt about the message of religion about compassion and kindness in society, but:

The question is, what is the relationship between this ruling of the cult and the principle of jihad and defense of the country and the political sovereignty of a country? Should the country be left defenseless because it is based on compassion?

۴- As Hossein Ali Baha had a mission to negate the ruling of Jihad and so he mentioned himself! “This appearance is a great regression and a great favor. Because it has erased the ruling of Jihad in the book…

Isn’t this misguided cult actually disarming countries by removing the commandment of Jihad from Baha’ism? Does not removing the decree of Jihad and fighting against foreign invading countries and internal separatists leave the countries defenseless? And what does this ruling have to do with citizenship rights? Do the citizens of a country have the right to defend their country? Does this ruling justify the feeling of belonging in the society to fight against the foreign invader? What about the sense of solidarity with people, identification with society?

Does it deepen the loyalty in the society to protect the homeland or vice versa?

With these interpretations, every free and sane person will think whether the followers of the heretical Baha’i cult are actually considered citizens or not?

Because they lack the four main conditions of citizenship or have a serious defect in the application of citizenship to them. Although, in almost all the countries where the followers of this misguided cult are present, their citizenship rights are respected, despite the media propaganda of the evil Zionist front, including in the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Tanbihul Ummah network

Bahaism in Iran