کد خبر:12023

Fighting against Baha’ism – blinding the eyes of global Zionism in Iran

Basically, it is necessary to review and remember the history of the specific issue to analyze various political issues. The relationships between the sinister and evil triangle of the Pahlavi regime, the Zionist regime and the false Baha’i cult can also be analyzed in this format. In order to formulate the way of fighting, dealing […]

Basically, it is necessary to review and remember the history of the specific issue to analyze various political issues. The relationships between the sinister and evil triangle of the Pahlavi regime, the Zionist regime and the false Baha’i cult can also be analyzed in this format. In order to formulate the way of fighting, dealing with and politicizing these three categories created by the colonialists, we need first to investigate their history, commonalities and interests. After discussing these issues, many aspects of this issue will be clarified. Therefore, in this category, common interests and their commonalities are presented first.

The common interests and commonalities of the Pahlavi regime, the Zionist regime and the deviant cult of Baha’ism:

۱- All three have a common English intellectual origin (the global Zionism).

– Just as the British made Reza Khan to gain power in Iran and then established Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in Iran with the coup of Mordad 28, 1332 (S.H.).

– The plan and establishment of the independent Jewish state was carried out by the British.

– The deviant cult of Baha’ism was created by the Tsarist Russians under the supervision and influence of the British and it was completely under the control of the British and continued to this day after the Russian Revolution in 1917 AD.

۲- The greatest common enemies of this ominous and satanic triangle were and are Muslims, and at the head of it are the Shiites and their knowledgeable scholars. Therefore, this enmity has continued since the establishment of this evil triangle until now.

۳- Iran has been and continues to be the biggest source of countering this satanic triangle with Islam.

۴- The biggest continuous supporter of this satanic triangle of global Zionism is the Western Front, headed by America and England.

۵- This ominous triangle is in line with the interests of global Zionism, the Western Front, and America and England as the heads.

۶- The biggest example of a serious and righteous confrontation with this ominous triangle is the Islamic Republic of Iran during the last fifty years.

۷- Israel had a special view on the category of culture and education in its strategic relationship with Iran. Recognizing Muhammad Reza Pahlavi’s tendencies in antiquarianism, they treated Cyrus as the savior of the oppressed Jewish people and referred to Muhammad Reza Pahlavi as “Cyrus II” with subtlety and special propaganda tricks[1]. Of course, considering Mohammad Reza Pahlavi’s personality traits, this simulation was very pleasant in his opinion and he welcomed it. On the other hand, due to the policy of freedom of opinion and non-reliable faiths such as the deviant cult of Baha’ism, to the Pahlavi regime, it had caused the common interests of this evil triangle.

۸- The Jews played a key role in this evil triangle. As many of the main elements of the Iranian Baha’ism were originally Jewish, and on the other hand, considering the deep connection between Israel’s child-killing regime and the Pahlavi regime, Jews played the first role.

۹- The intersection of the three pillars of this evil triangle during the Mohammad Reza Pahlavi’s period of time was the last prime minister of the Pahlavi regime, Amir Abbas Hoveyda (whose father was a Baha’i too), who regulated various military, security, foreign policy, cultural and economic relations.[2]

۱۰- The most important goal of this ominous triangle in Iran is the culture field, which is being pursued to confront Islam and Muslims and the Islamic Republic as the leader of the revolutionary Islamic-practical ethics flow in categories such as rooting the family by promoting dereliction and immorality in Iranian society. is that the struggle in this field continues in virtual space and social networks and at the field and social level.

Now; with regard to the contents mentioned in the joint chapter and common interests of the Pahlavi regime, the Zionist regime and the deviant cult of Baha’ism, many positions and behaviors of the false Baha’i sect and the Zionist regime can be analyzed after the Islamic revolution. Issues such as supporting the deviant cult of Baha’ism by the global Zionism at the international level and the creation of a representative position for this cult in the United Nations, media and legal support for this cult in the United Nations, and successive condemnations of Iran in the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations and etc. be considered as examples.

But after the riots of 1401 S.H. in Iran, Reza Pahlavi, the eldest son of the deposed Shah of Iran, made a trip to the occupied lands and the occupying regime of Quds on Farvardin1401 S.H.

Reza Pahlavi and his wife Yasmin Pahlavi visited the Baha’i World Center in Haifa, Israel. Referring to this visit, the surviving member of Pahlavi wrote in a tweet, “We were touched by serenity the beauty of the Gardens and the Baha’i message of unity and togetherness.”[3]

During this trip to the occupied territories, hosted by Gila Gamlil, the Minister of Intelligent service of this regime, he announced his sympathy with the Zionists (because of the Holocaust) and support for the Baha’is.

Therefore, we see that despite the passing of 45 years since the fall of the Pahlavi regime, there is still an invalid remnant of the ominous triangle. Regardless of Reza Pahlavi’s illusion of ruling over Iran and the fantasy of gathering many fans with such an action, the mentioned show indicates that Reza Pahlavi, Baha’ism and the Zionist regime, in addition to their long-standing relations with each other, are trying to launch a common front against the Islamic Republic.[4]

And in this regard, the deviant cult of Baha’ism still stands out as one side of the sinister triangle, whose center of guidance is located in the heart of the child-killing regime of Israel (Haifa), is still swaggering in the role of a subversive cult for the sovereign Islamic Republic of Iran, and can carry out actions in Iran, because in Iran it has sectarian power in the fields of human, economic, cultural, political and informational and security forces, and on the other hand, Iran and after the Iranian revolution, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been and will continue to be the main place of struggle against this ominous triangle.

Therefore, it is clear and obvious for the authorities to confront against this cult created by the colonialists in an all-out way like Amir the Great and to continue the great jihad until the conquest of the last bastions. Because the fight against this front is a fight in all political, cultural, information and security dimensions.

[۱] Also, in 1354 S.H., At an Iranian ceremony in Tel Aviv, Dr. Amnon Netsar, a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem said, while speaking about Iran-Israel relations: “I personally consider Cyrus the Great to be the first Zionist in history, and Cyrus’ declaration was no less than Balfour’s one. In the current era, Iran has given us a lot of help” (Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1345-1-23), https://www.hfrjournal.ir/article

[۲] For further reading, refer to the article “An analysis of relations between Iran and the Zionist regime in the Pahlavi period of time; balance or dependence” at the address: https://www.hfrjournal.ir/article.

[۳] Mafaz News website – Article “Illusion of the survivor of Pahlavi; obvious relations with Baha’ism and the occupying regime of Quds”

[۴] Of course, the child-killing Israeli regime has taken this action to cover up its failures in confronting the Islamic Resistance Front.

Bahaism in Iran