کد خبر:12316

Supporting the expansion and preaching the deviant cult of Baha’ism by the cultural and scientific centers of the west

The westerners and the enemies of Islam are ready to spend millions but billions of dollars in order for Baha’ism to be recognized formally in Iran as a religious minority having citizen rights! Ahmad Hussein Sharifi wrote a note concerning confrontation against the Colonial cult of Baha’ism: We know Baha’ism and how it was appeared […]

The westerners and the enemies of Islam are ready to spend millions but billions of dollars in order for Baha’ism to be recognized formally in Iran as a religious minority having citizen rights!

Ahmad Hussein Sharifi wrote a note concerning confrontation against the Colonial cult of Baha’ism:

We know Baha’ism and how it was appeared and its ominous aims since its establishment and preaching. We also know the serious

confrontation of Shiite and Islamic scholars against this Colonial and Zionistic cult. We can follow the works which have been published in this regard.

You may surprise to know that the westerners and the enemies of Shia and Islam are willing to spend millions but billions of dollars in order for Baha’ism to be recognized formally as a religious minority having rights.

I remember that the great scholar Mesbah (P.H.) stated: Earlier 1370s, some cultural and scientific centers of the west suggested for a great conference to be held in Qom city about the rights of religious minorities. He stated he was ready to spend the costs for building a great center and also a university for studying religions!

He stated: I doubted their generosity and following their plans and desires. I realized that their serious desire asked us is for the representative of Baha’ism to be present there even if he/she doesn’t speak! Our enemies are following their aims purposefully and we should be alerted.

Source: Ferghe News


Bahaism in Iran
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