کد خبر:12542

The contradiction between the behavior of the Baha’i leaders and the principles of Baha’ism

In order to display emergence of a new religion as essential, the Baha’i Leaders were always trying to introduce their teachings as a need for the world today. Abdul Baha (one of the leaders of the Baha’ism cult) was giving a speech in various associations in America and Europe in his proselytizing trips. He was […]

In order to display emergence of a new religion as essential, the Baha’i Leaders were always trying to introduce their teachings as a need for the world today. Abdul Baha (one of the leaders of the Baha’ism cult) was giving a speech in various associations in America and Europe in his proselytizing trips. He was introducing the so-called new and required teachings of the deviant cult of Baha’ism as the twelve principles of Bahaullah (the founder of the Baha’ism cult). The slogans of Abdul Baha are superficially beautiful, but none of them is acted by even Shogi Effendi and Abdul Baha themselves.

     One of these principles is kindness in the religion. According to this principle, religion must cause kindness and affection. They believe that all religions have been enacted to establish and strengthen good acts and ties and good understanding among human beings. So, if religion doesn’t cause affection and kindness, irreligion will be better. In this regard, Abbas Effendi says: “Religion is Similar to remedy. If remedy causes illness, irremediability is better. So, if religion causes war and massacre, of course irreligious will be better.”

     Also, it is narrated by Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri: “O’ people of the world, the divine religion is for kindness and unity. You will make it enmity and difference. He also says: “The heavenly wise person says: coarse speech is seen like the sword and the soft one seems milk. The kids of the world will achieve knowledge by it.”

     Apart from the above mentioned materials, the Baha’i heads have confirmed the moral issues and considered themselves as polite and moral. Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri says in this regard: All people of the world must be comfortable with your hand and tongue. O God’s party. I testate you to be polite and morality is the first. Shoqi Effendi (Abbas Effendi’s grandson) says in this regard:” In this illuminous century, victory is acquired by sedate faithful person not by malefactor scholar.”

     These beautiful speeches are nothing but slogans for deceiving people by the Baha’i leaders, but their behaviors are different from their speeches. For instance, Shogi Effendi the third leader of the Baha’ is boycotted his parent by the end of their lives.

     Baha’ism is a cult which considers itself as the continuation of the divine religions, but it is out of the tradition of divine guardians.

      Have you ever seen a prophet or a holy Imam who boycotts his parents due to their opposition?!!!

Bahaism in Iran
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