کد خبر:12565

The defects of verbal views of Baha’ism

Eric Stetson, the American researcher and the ex-Baha’i has turned against Baha’ism in 2001 A.D.      His reason of turning against the deviant cult of Baha’ism wasn’t merely opposing the organization and their seeking power, but he criticized the theological and verbal issues of Baha’ism seriously.       In his article entitled Baha’ism from a Unitarian […]

Eric Stetson, the American researcher and the ex-Baha’i has turned against Baha’ism in 2001 A.D.

     His reason of turning against the deviant cult of Baha’ism wasn’t merely opposing the organization and their seeking power, but he criticized the theological and verbal issues of Baha’ism seriously.

      In his article entitled Baha’ism from a Unitarian person’s point of view which has been published in the site Baha’i-Faith.com has mentioned these Criticisms:

      ۱) The lack of coordination between the Bible and the 21st Century

      This book is the collection of the commandments and rules of Baha’ism which has been written by Bahaullah (Hussein Ali Nouri). He says all human beings of the world must obey his commandments and rules for next 1000 years.

      Although some commandments which are existent in the book Aghdas are practicable, but most of its commandments and orders aren’t suitable for the modern civilization and 21st century and it shows that Bahaullah’s thought has been restricted with the conditions of his time, place and culture. For instance, Bahaullah has ruled that a thief must branded on his/her forehead to be observable by others. This action can’t be reconcilable with modern values.

     I also oppose Bahaullah’s claim and request concerning this issue that all people must accept his spiritual presidency and source and obey his commandments and orders. I don’t agree with most of his book’s teachings cos most commandments of his book Aghdas has joined history dump before being executed.

     The Baha’is must be honest and look at Aghdas commandments once again to see which part of it is practicable and can be interpreted based on the modern and liberal criteria.

      ۲) The universal house of justice, in the position of the leadership of the world:

     The members of the Baha’i organization not only believe in chastity of the universal house of justice, but also believe in this issue that the world people must consequently accept the dominance and presidency of the universal house of justice over themselves. Particularly, the Baha’i conservatives and fundamentalists believe that all governmental affairs must be done by the universal house of or the universal house of justice must be higher than other governments of the world in power.

      The Haifa Baha’ism considers the government of Baha’ism on the world as one of its teachings, but it’s never stated anything about executing it clearly. Some Baha’i thinkers have opposed this idea and teaching, but the universal house of justice has dismissed them out of Baha’i community. Some of them have to hide their beliefs.

      ۳) The false understanding of Ibrahimi religions by Baha’ism:

      Baha’ism considers every great religion of the world as a part and stage of complementary ones of descending religion and presenting the spiritual knowledge from God. This idea is advantageous, but it is a kind of oversimplification towards human being’s spiritual history.

      It also denies the deep differences between the Ibrahim and non- Ibrahimi ones. Apparently, Bahaullah and his successors had little knowledge about Islam and Ibrahimi religions.

      To be honest, we must confess that the concept of linear view of the Baha’is which says God sends down a new manifestation and a new creed and a new book for human beings every 1000 years hasn’t been happened.


     Mr. Stetson’s objections against Baha’ism are verbal. That he states the book Aghdas isn’t practicable in the current era questions the totality of this religious-making and Colonial cult because the book Agdas includes both enacting commandments and rules of Baha’ism and the totality of administrative system of the Baha’i community; on the other hand, it attacks Baha’ism worldview, in fact.

-Source: Faranaq, Hamid, Baha’ism from the point of view of Baha’i critics and thinkers, Gouy publishing house, 1390 S.H., PP. 102-103.

Bahaism in Iran
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