کد خبر:12578

The Shia Iraq is coveted by the deviant cult of Bahaism

     The total functions of the deviant cult of Baha’ism in Iraq are as follows: anti- human rights measures, Killing, robbery, influence, spying, insulting, deviating religions in service of the Zionistic regime.      The first origin of Baha’ism establishment and its forerunner Shaikism was originated in Iraq. Due to its sensitivity in western Asia and […]

     The total functions of the deviant cult of Baha’ism in Iraq are as follows: anti- human rights measures, Killing, robbery, influence, spying, insulting, deviating religions in service of the Zionistic regime.

     The first origin of Baha’ism establishment and its forerunner Shaikism was originated in Iraq. Due to its sensitivity in western Asia and being the neighbor of Iran, this country was planned by Colonialism. The historical factors caused some movements to be created here like Sheikism by Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee. He emerged at once in Najaf theological school, made differences and then was excommunicated by the scholars. He caused Ali Muhammad Bab to innovate a creed called Babism in Iran. The Babis were extremists and terrorists. They created a lot of riots to occupy Azerbaijan, Mazandaran, Khorasan, Fars, and Iraq. During the aborted assassination of Naseruddin Shah by

the Babis, Hussein Ali Nouri (the first head of Baha’ism who called himself as Bahaullah) was arrested as one of the agents of assassination. He was imprisoned and then got free Supported by Russia. During the first years of his residing in Iraq, the Ottoman government transferred his followers to another place asked by the Iranian government. When Hussein Ali and his followers were in Karbala, they Committed massacres and roots there.

      As a matter of fact, the British Colonialism provided the facilities for establishing the Zionistic government of Israel in a very important place in the heart of energy resources the Middle East. After several years, Saddam Hussein became the president of Iraq. Although in 1349 S.H., the activities of the organizational centers of Baha’ism were suspended in Iraq, but during Iraqi attacks our country a new face of Baha’ism was manifested.

    One of the ex-Baha’is says: when Iraq was bombarding the Iranian cities, the Baha’is were shouting the slogan of “O’ the Blessed Beauty, thank you.” Additionally, the people of Acre were saying:” Saddam Hussein is a merited person. He has been commissioned by the Blessed Beauty to free Iran and the Baha’is.”

    The attacks by the American forces to Iraq in 1381 S.H. was a new event in the measures of the deviant cult of Baha’ism. They carried weapons to kill Iraqi people. Also, when Iraq was occupied by the American, the Baha’is occupied this country intellectually and repressed the moral and cultural values. They also created differences among Iranian and Iraqi Shias!

     Generally speaking, the following measures are the ones done in Iraq by Bahaism:

     ۱) Introducing and stabilizing Baha’ism in Iraq as religion and trying to make it be recognized formally

     ۲) Buying Baha’i places related to history of Baha’ism

     ۳) Performing the purposes of 5-year Baha’i plan including the establishment of new assemblies, performing educational activities and executing the instructions of the universal center of Baha’ism.

    The Baha’is did several measures in health, and agriculture domains and expanded education, environment and built school whose aim was to achieve the Baha’i ideals. They cooperated in NGOs, private institutes, and local groups to recruit and misuse people to dominate on the aimed region. The Baha’is were influential in the media of Iraq. Many reports were written and presented by a person called “Sa’d Saloum” who was the editor-in-chief of a non-profit organization called Massarat. An organization which focused on the minorities in Iraq and published its periodical for the first time in 1384 S.H. The members of Massarat played key role in legislating legal acts in favor of Baha’ ism visiting Iraqi parliament. This institute invited the youth from various cults to be familiar with programs such as making Community for Baha’ism to introduce it as a religion in Iraq. The Baha’i representatives of this institute were elected among girls.

 The members of Massat institute

The Conference held by Massat institute called “the political participation of the women of Iraq religious minorities”

Bahaism in Iran
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