کد خبر:12608

Baha’ism is a cult fighting against wisdom: Roomer

Bahaismiran: Roemer studied between the years 1898 to1902 A.D. in philosophy and theology universities of Halle and Tubingen and was the student of the following masters: professor Hering, Helger, Kaler, Reichle, Schlatter and Siebold. After finishing his education, he became busy with religious searching activities as the master of theology in Basler city and was […]


Roemer studied between the years 1898 to1902 A.D. in philosophy and theology universities of Halle and Tubingen and was the student of the following masters: professor Hering, Helger, Kaler, Reichle, Schlatter and Siebold. After finishing his education, he became busy with religious searching activities as the master of theology in Basler city and was active in theology of Protestant seminars in the city of Stuttgart. During those periods of time, he took on the presidency of specialized and research seminars of the Bible.

      Herman Roemer reminds of his research aims:” In 1907 A.D., I observed that the association of the Baha’is of Stuttgart was established and I believed a practical research was needed to answer Baha’ism advertisements in Germany.” For this reason, Roemer compiled his book entitled “Babism and Baha’ism, a research in the Islamic religions history which was his Ph.D. thesis presented in 1911 A.D. in the supreme College of Tubingen university. This book wasn’t his first work concerning Babism and Baha’ism. He wrote an article in 1908 A.D. to criticize Bahaism and in 1910 A.D. he wrote an article entitled “Advertising the Asian religions in the west”. In 1912 A.D., a book by Roemer Called Die Babi- Baha’i “The latest Mohammadan sect” was published.

     Roemer’s works were the first major ones in Babism and Baha’ism

Issues published in Germany. In addition to historical studies, Roemer’s works include extensive researches in criticizing and investigating Babi and Baha’i teachings, too.

     In his works, Roemer points out semi-gnostic and Sufism tendencies of Baha’ism and believes that Baha’ism is a marine plant which has been grown in Sufism marsh. He believes that the Baha’is have made another idle out of Abdul Baha using Sufism tendencies and desires which have been displayed in modern form. According to him, Baha ism is the creed of dervishes which tries to hide its bonds with dervishes and Sufism loops. Roemer believes that Semi-gnostic tendencies of Baha’ism are too deep and extensive and Bahaullah’s view in wisdom tablet is superficial.

     To investigate the proselytizing trip of Abdul Baha to America, Roemer introduces Baha’ism in America as Apocalyptic Sufism in which Hussein Ali Nouri is perked as Jesus or even God Himself. He believes that Baha’ism in France is the origin of Judaism; So that the Jewish Dreyfus played a key role in Abdul Baha’s trip to Paris and the universal organization “Alyanse -Israelit” turned a bridge to influence Baha’ism in France due to its extensive aids to the Iranian Jewish inside Iran and to challenge Islam.

      According to Herman Roemer Baha’ism betrayed the national interests of the Iranian during the Iranian Constitutions revolution movement using the universal slogan of idealistic cosmopolitan. In this regard, Roemer points out that Abbas Effendi plotted against the Iranian democratic movement and compromised with Russian and English diplomats, so that, he had recommended the Baha’is in Tehran and Tabriz cities to support Muhammad Ali Shah. He also prevented people to participate at the Iranian Constitutions movement. Roemer also stresses that after the victory of constitutions revolution, Abbas Effendi’s claim was failed. Abbas Effendi had claimed for Muhammad Ali Shah’s government to be long and pleasant. Reminding the pressures by Russia and England on Iran and being united, Roemer said: Abdul Bake’s relationships in Acre with foreign armies and their agents in Iran was nothing but a great betrayal against Iran.




Bahaism in Iran
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