کد خبر:12670
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Baha’ism logic: Security for the Baha’i kids, death for Gaza ones

 Bahaismiran: The Baha’is who are claiming for the universal peace and kindness among human beings have been silent against oppressed martyrdom of sinless kids of Gaza. However, this cult and its racist lords believe that if Baha’s are recognized as criminals and take measures against the security of a country, their captures cause the Baha’i […]


The Baha’is who are claiming for the universal peace and kindness among human beings have been silent against oppressed martyrdom of sinless kids of Gaza. However, this cult and its racist lords believe that if Baha’s are recognized as criminals and take measures against the security of a country, their captures cause the Baha’i kids to be tortured. It means that peace, security and welfare are just important for the Baha’i kids. The mass massacre of Palestinian kids by the kid-killing Israeli regime is not important for the Baha’is at all.

     Every day, the grave news about the massacre of the residents of Gaza by the usurp regime of Israel pains free human beings’ hearts. In such circumstances, Fariba Kamal Abadi who has been silent against these crimes, is worried about the Baha’i kids whose parents have been arrested to be concerned.

     Fariba Kamal Abadi: arresting the Baha’i parents possessing kids means torturing kid, but I wish someone had asked this misled Baha’i:

     What is the verdict of killing parents in the presence of their kids in Gaza based on Baha’ism creed and human rights?

     What is the verdict when a kid from Gaza is overwhelmed? 

     What is the verdict in Baha’ism when electricity is cut intentionally and kids are killed due to lack of oxygen?

     Which verdict is being issued by the universal house of justice when parents are being incinerated and kids are looking?

     According the news sites, the unprecedented crimes by the Zionistic regime have been changed into the massacres of newly-born babies. According to ministry of health of Gaza, the future of 36 newly-born babies is really dangerous. There hasn’t been any foot in Al-Shefa hospital for three days and the Zionistic troops have entered into the hospital.

     The Conditions are too grave that UNISEF executives warned that the reports about the death of newly-born babies are worrying.

     Hazem Qasem expressed that the Zionistic enemy has massacred the Kids of Gaza in terroristic measures and war crimes.

     He continued: The countries which are supporting the usurp Zionistic regime share the crimes.

     He added: All international foundations and countries must do their responsibilities and condemn the massacre of kids and civilians.

     Shiva Allahverdi, one of the Baha’i criminals claims: Expressing humanity for the massacre of thousands of Palestinian kids is false and they must cry for the kids of their criminal co-workers!

     This is Hussein Ali Neuri’s statement who said millions of non-Baha’is are less in value comparing a Baha’i, so it is not surprising for a Baha’i to be upset for the massacre of Palestinian kids.

     And today her co-workers and she are silent and justify kid-killing by the usurp Zionistic regime.



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– Fars Correspondence

– Palestine reporting center


Bahaism in Iran
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