کد خبر:12723

The trace of the universal house of tyranny (justice) and the British Baha’i national assembly in the adventure of American attack to Iraq Part-4

Bahaismiran: In 2003, A.D., the United States of America and its coalition attacked Iraq with the excuse of the existence of mass destruction weapons in Iraq and supporting Al-Qaedeh terroristic group by Iraqi government as the cause for terroristic 11th of September attacks 2001 A.D. In this attack in which the British, Australian and polish […]


In 2003, A.D., the United States of America and its coalition attacked Iraq with the excuse of the existence of mass destruction weapons in Iraq and supporting Al-Qaedeh terroristic group by Iraqi government as the cause for terroristic 11th of September attacks 2001 A.D. In this attack in which the British, Australian and polish troops were present along with the U.S. ones more than 9200 military officers and 3750 civilians were killed and most substructures of Iraq were destroyed.

       Hans Blix, the head of supervisors of the U.N had pointed out in his report dated Jan. 2003 A.D. the existence of 910 tons of chemical agents of nerves and 8500 liters of anthrax agent in Iraq. There wasn’t any report concerning the destruction of them. George Bush claimed in his speech in 2003 A.D. that Iraq has possessed microbe mobile labs late 1990s. Colin Powell also came to the Security council to report his documents concerning the existence of uncommon weapons in Iraq. French government also believed that Iraq possessed some amounts of anthrax agents and Botulinum and is able to produce nerve agent.

       The Iraqi government claimed for the destruction of the mentioned weapons in the presence of the representatives of the UN. and its destruction report has been sent. According to the available reports, the UN. would be to order for economic sanction nullification for Iraq if it confirmed the destruction of mass destruction weapons by Saddam government, but the experts of the UN. suspected the good intention of the government of Iraq presenting a report and announced that the perished weapons are more than the extents have been announced previously by the Iraqi government to the UN. They practically prevent led for the resolution to be issued in favor of the government of Iraq. Of course, it would be clear later on that there haven’t been mass destruction weapons in Iraq when America attacked.

      The surprise attack by the international coalition of the USA. and the UK. to Iraq was done at 5:30 a.m. 29th of Isfand 1381 S.H. with the watch word of “the operation for freedom of Iraq”. and the presence of America and England continued in Islamic countries and the region. According to Glaysher, it is surprising that the trace of the universal house of justice and the British Baha’i national assembly and MI6 spy have been observable in this story.

      The adventure is that Mr. David Christopher Kelly was the expert of chemical weapons of the UN. land an employee of ministry of defense of Britain. He was cooperating with the special committee of the UN in Iraq as the inspector of mass destruction weapons. He had gone to Iraq for 40 times and was considered as the only valid source of the UN.

      David Kelly became familiar with a Baha’i woman called Mai Paterson from Kuwait originally who was the agent of CIA organization and an employee in spying school of America and was proselytized by her. In 1999 A.D., A.D., Kelly believed in Baha’ism in California, and got married with her with the Baha’i Mrs. Peterson.  

      As his wife, Mrs. Paterson was accompanied by Kelly in his missions to Iraq and had a “position more than his translator.

      Although David Kelly’s reports from Iraq were top secret, but he gave Some of them to the Baha’i members in a meeting. On the other side; in an informal meeting, some information of the case was given to BBC Correspondence, Andrew Gilligan.

      After revealing the name of Kelly as the source of revealing Iraq war data to BBC, he was called by the committee of the foreign ministry. Two days later, his dead body is being found in London streets. First, it was said that he was killed by painkiller pills with high dosage, but it was suspected that he was murdered

     After his dead body was found, the case assigned to Lord Hutten, the British judge to investigate and search. He did various inspections, but true data wasn’t available for him and as a result no clear consequence was obtained. After American attack to Iraq; without the UN allowance, the Baha’is tried hard to take back the Baha’i lands – which – claimed to posse- by pretending to be oppressed, but due to having private claimant and presenting documents, they couldn’t possess them.

      Frederic Glaysher believes that the dealing of David Kelly in the proposition of Chemical weapons of Iraq was the trick of the supreme organization of Bahaism; that is, the universal house of justice and the British national assembly which benefit from the war.

      It is interesting to be noted that the Baha’ism organization had planned too much for the Baha’i places in Iraq such as Bahaullah’s house in Bagdad as their Ka’bah, Redhvan garden in Bagdad as the start of Bahaullah’s manifestation, the places in Soleimaniyeh in which Bahaullah has live there secretly.


Bahaism in Iran
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