کد خبر:12746

Hussein Ali Nouri (Bahaullah), the leader of the deviant cult of Baha’ism: “All people of the world are misled except for the Baha’is.”

     According to the leader of the Baha’is not only Shias are called rejected and superstitious Shias, but also all non-Baha’s are considered as misled although they possess nice deeds. The Excellency Bahaullah (Hossein Ali Nouri) says in the beginning of the book “Aqdas”: ” The first thing which is necessitated by God is recognition […]

     According to the leader of the Baha’is not only Shias are called rejected and superstitious Shias, but also all non-Baha’s are considered as misled although they possess nice deeds. The Excellency Bahaullah (Hossein Ali Nouri) says in the beginning of the book “Aqdas”: ” The first thing which is necessitated by God is recognition of the he one who has been inspired (he meant himself). Then, he says: Everybody who gains this gnosticism, he/she will acquire all benevolence and everyone who is deprived of this gnosticism or deprives him/herself of it, he/she will be the misled even if s/he has done all actions!”

” ان اول ما كتب الله على العباد عرفان مشرق وحيه و مطلع امره الذي كان مقام نفسه في عالم الامر و الخلق من فاز به قد فاز بكل الخيرو الذي منع من اهل الضلال ولو يأتي بكل الاعمال “

     According to him, the first necessary issue for every one after God’s recognition is recognizing God’s representative. Everybody who knew him, he/she would be prosperous otherwise he/she would be misted! He doesn’t explain that how can a person know God’s representative while he/she hasn’t recognized God?! So, non- Baha’is across the world who are nearly eight billion human beings and haven’t recognized Hussein Ali Nouri are considered as the misled to the book of Aqdas.

     Hussein Ali Nouri has also insulted non-Baha’is. He says: A person who rejects this creed, he/she must aske his/her mother about his/her circumstances. He/she will soon be sent into the depth of the hell:

 “من ينكر هذا الفضل الظاهر [ الباهر] المتعالى المنير ينبغي له بأن يسئل عن امه حاله فسوف يرجع الى اسفل الجحيم”

He has also attributed the one as illegitimate who has been his enemy:

” قل من كان في قلبه بغض هذا الغلام فقد دخل الشيطان على فراش أمه”[۱]

Of course, every madman thinks all other men mad.

      It is interesting to be noted that a creed which is unable to prove the most obvious issues of itself such as the most obvious religious issues such as the proposition of finality of prophethood comments on others so.

       It is worthy to be noted that the memoirs of Kiniyaz Dalgorki, the Russian spy reveal everything about the deviant cult of Baha’ism in Iran …




[۱] The heavenly food, vol. 1, p.2355

Bahaism in Iran
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