کد خبر:12801

The falseness of Baha’ism using a brief debate

The is an interview with one of the ex-Baha’i proselytizers:     I said: How was the legitimacy of Baha’ism proved for you as a divine religion?”     He said: If Baha’ism weren’t a religion, it would be destroyed so far and wouldn’t last for two hundred years and wouldn’t have many followers.”     I said: […]

The is an interview with one of the ex-Baha’i proselytizers:

    I said: How was the legitimacy of Baha’ism proved for you as a divine religion?”

    He said: If Baha’ism weren’t a religion, it would be destroyed so far and wouldn’t last for two hundred years and wouldn’t have many followers.”

    I said: Durability and follower aren’t the reasons for legitimacy otherwise Satan and Satanism have long service since the beginning of history till now and worshipping calf has lasted for more than thirty three centuries after Sameri during Moses periods of time and there are still followers of it in India.

     He said.” If the prophethood claimant were a liar, God would disgrace him and destroy.”

     I said: God has considered the basis of the universe on human authority and has bestowed wisdom and authority to human being in order to choose between right and wrong. If He were to destroy each claimant of false ness and liar prophet, human being’s authority and selection would be meaningless.

     He said: “The existence of book is the reason for the legitimacy of Baha’ism.”

     I said: The false claimants have several books like Gholam Ahmad Qadiyani who emerged nearly at the same time with Baha’ism and claimed for being Imam of the Time and Christ resurrection and now he has some million followers. Is he right?

     When I said these statements, he got silent and said: What is the reason of legitimacy to you?

     I said: First, the means of measuring and the inner prophet of human being that is wisdom must be used. A person who claims to be sent by God must have a miracle for others not to be done and it will be the reason for his legitimacy like Moses (p.it.), Jesus (P.H.) and the holy prophet (P.H.) who had miracles and Wisdom testified that the false claimants weren’t legitimate because they were in lack of such miracles.

     He said: ” Now, we aren’t at that time to see the miracle, how can we figure out their legitimacy?”

     I said: The immortal miracle of our holy prophet is the holy Quran which claims for anybody else to bring like that and it is for 14 centuries of struggle that they haven’t been able to bring like that even a chapter. What is Bab’s miracle?

     He said: “They have had book though.”

    I said: Each wise person will find out the lack of the legitimacy of the Bayan and the Aqdas if he/she studies them including: the commandments such as the massacre of all non-Babis, making the criminal fire, branding thief’s forehead and the allowance for opposing the rulers and etc.

    He said: “Isn’t it the reason for Baha’ism legitimacy that it has some million followers who are ready to be imprisoned and died in its path?!”

    I said: Of course not. Because millions of the followers of false cults and parties whose falseness has been accepted by both of us are ready to stand all kinds of difficulties in their cults and parties’ paths and this is not the reason for their legitimacy.

    He said: Isn’t there any good word in Baha’ism? Why shouldn’t its good words be paid attention?  

    I said: “By chance, each false claimant mixes good and bad thing together in order for others to be deceived by some good words which are adopted from others’ statements and be turned towards them. The important issue is legitimacy which can’t be proved by Baha’ism.”

    He said: “The universal organizations have recognized Baha’ism as religion alongside with ones.”

    I said: They aren’t searching for legitimacy and are secular. They recognize each cult like those who worship recognize cows and also the homosexuals as minorities which have primary rights. Their criterion isn’t right or wrong or being divine or not, but they accept them as the existent realities. That they have accepted Baha’ism is this reason otherwise it isn’t because Baha’ism is divine or legitimate…

    He said: “Now, I realize that when we were discussing about the legitimacy of Bahaism in our meetings, our proselytizers misled us and evaded instead id of proving the legitimacy.

    This brief written debate proves the falseness of the deviant cult of Baha’ism. Of course, it can be used by low-level and deceived followers. However, the past and current leaders of Baha’ism know well that how this cult was established by Dalgourki, the Czar Russian spy via employing Ali Muhammad Bab during Qajar dynasty when Muhammad Shah was the king of Iran. Particularly this cult is now and the current decades after the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran prostituting for Zionism and usurp western governments. Each country which prevent the proselytizing and illegal activities of this cult will be condemned by the western and international organizations as anti-human rights.



Source: Fakhkhari, Abdul Hussein, two- Century challenge (30 notes in criticizing Bahaism), Gouy publishing house,1st edition, 1398 S.H.

کلیدواژه : Baha’ismbriefdebatefalseness
Bahaism in Iran
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