کد خبر:12813

The reason for the prohibition of proselytizing Baha’ism in Israel

The discussion of proselytizing is one of the important issues in the deviant cult of Baha’ism; so that, a person who doesn’t do his/her duty in this regard he/she may be excommunicated. The following reasons are the ones regarding the prohibition of proselytizing in Baha’ism: ۱) The existence of limitations enacted by the usurp Zionistic […]

The discussion of proselytizing is one of the important issues in the deviant cult of Baha’ism; so that, a person who doesn’t do his/her duty in this regard he/she may be excommunicated. The following reasons are the ones regarding the prohibition of proselytizing in Baha’ism:

۱) The existence of limitations enacted by the usurp Zionistic regime for the Baha’is. The most important question is that: Why don’t the Baha’is cancel their proselytizing in Iran while obeying the government as one of their principles has caused them to quit proselytizing in Israel?!!!

۲) The Islamic Republic of Iran has prohibited the Baha’is to proselytize in Iran due to the null nature of the deviant cult of Baha’ism, but the universal house of justice is aware of this principle and tries to evade it. The UHJ. says because the individual proselytizing is the indispensable right of each human being; so the Baha’is must cancel their group proselytizing not the individual one. However, the Iranian government opposes both individual and group proselytizing and consider it as a crime for the Baha’is.

۳) One of the 12 principles of the Baha’i creed is the conformity between religion and science even the commandments existing in this creed. So, the prohibition of proselytizing in Israel not in other countries is not in conformity with wisdom and is a kind of contradiction.

All in all, all the deviant cult of Baha’ism is serving the kid-killer regime of Zionism. So that, the members of the cult are spying for the usurp regime of Zionism. So, some members of the cult have been imprisoned and hanged in Iran. It has also helped the Zionistic regime in economic fields such as smuggling and etc.





Bahaism in Iran
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