کد خبر:12823

who is the human being? Human right from the deviant cult of Baha ism point of view

Human rights are being stressed in Baha’ism. The Baha’is consider it as the result the teaching of the oneness of humane world. According to Seyyed Bab nobody is allowed to live on the planet earth except for the Babis and others must be massacred and non Babis must not live in five parts of the […]

Human rights are being stressed in Baha’ism. The Baha’is consider it as the result the teaching of the oneness of humane world. According to Seyyed Bab nobody is allowed to live on the planet earth except for the Babis and others must be massacred and non Babis must not live in five parts of the earth.[1] He is also ordering for non-Babis to be destroyed by not only the King of Babis, but also by the Babis:

“الباب السادس و العشر من الواحد السابع في ان الله قد فرض على كل ملك يبعث في دين البيان ان لا يجعل أحد على ارضه ممن لم يدن بذلك الدين و كذلك فرض على الناس كلهم اجمعون”[۲]

So, the non-Babi citizens aren’t allowed to live and must be ready to be killed… [3]

Also, the non-Babis don’t have the right of possession and the people of Bayan must confiscate the non-Babis properties:

” ثم الخامس فلتاخذن من لم يدخل في البيان ما ينسب اليهم ثم أن آمنوا لتردون الا في الارض التي انتم عليها لا تقدرون”[۴]

This characteristic of Bab’s creed was confirmed by Abdul Baha. He says in the book Makatib[5]?

“در یوم ظهور حضرت اعلی منطوق بیان ضرب اعناق و حرق کتب و اوراق و هدم بقاع و قتل عام الامن آمن و صدق بود در ظهور ،باب سخن کتاب بیان، زدن گردن ها و سوزاندن کتاب ها و نابودی عبادتگاهها و کشتن همه به جز مؤمنان بود”

According to Hussein Ali Nouri, merely the Baha’is are considered as human beings and non -Baha’is are assumed as animals. He writes those who oppose the new affair are deprived of virtues and are considered and mingled as animals:

” الیوم هر نفسی بر احدی از معرضین من اعلاهم او من ادناهم ذکر انسانیت نماید از جمیع فیوضات رحمانی محروم است تا چه رسد که بخواهد از برای آن نفوس اثبات رتبه و مقام نماید”[۶]

In another place, Bahaullah considers no-Baha’is as worthless gravels.

He has also said:

” من ينكر هذا الفضل الظاهر المتعالي المنير ينبغى له بان يسئل عن امه حاله فسوف يرجع الى اسفل الجحيم”[۷]

He has also said:

” قل من كان في قلبه بغض هذا الغلام (بهاء الله ) فقد دخل الشيطان على فراش امه”[۸]

That is, a person who is my enemy in his/her heart, Satan has definitely gone to his/her mother’s bed.”

It is interesting to be noted that the Baha’is have been ordered to be the to be mercy cloud for the Baha’ is and torment for disbelievers:

” انتم يا احباء الله كونوا سحاب الفضل لمن آمن بالله وبآياته وعذاب المحتوم لمن كفر بالله و كان من المشركين”[۹]

He has also said:

” ایاک ان لا تجتمع مع اعداء الله في مقعد ولا تسمع منه شيئاً ولو يتلى عليك من آيات الله العزيز الكريم”[۱۰]

” لا تعاشرى مع المشركات كذلك يأمرك منزل الايات”[۱۱]

” انا قطعنا حبل النسبة من كل ذى نسبة الا لمن آمن بالله و اعرض عن المشركين ان يا عبادي لو يسمع احد منكم بان اعرض اخوه او اخته عن الله ينبغى له بان يعرض عنه و يقبل الى محبوب المخلصين”[۱۲]

So, the cult which has resided in Haifa, Israel near Gaza is silent against the crimes of the Kid-Killer Zionistic regime because a cult which has been made based on terroristic measures is careless about Killing 20,000 sinless Kids and women by the usurp Zionistic regime. It is also careless about human rights.



Source: FakhKhari, Abdul Hussein, two-century challenge (30 notes in criticizing Baha’ism creed), Gouy publishing house, 1st edition, 1398 S.H.


[۱] The Persian Bayan, p. 193.

[۲] The Persian Bayan, p. 262.

[۳] Bayan Ghayemi, p. 292.

[۴] The Arabic Bayan, p. 18.

[۵] vol. 2, p. 266.

[۶] The Badi’a, p.140.

[۷] The heavenly food, vol. 4, p. 355.

[۸] Shaygan treasure, p.79.

[۹] The collection of tablets, p.216.

[۱۰] Ibid, p. 360.

[۱۱] The heavenly food, vol. 1, p. 365.

[۱۲] Ibid, vol. 8, p.38

Bahaism in Iran
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