کد خبر:12828

Some ideas and commandments of Bahaullah adopted by Sufism – Part 6

By exiling Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri (Bahaullah) to Iraq and escaping Mirza Yahya Sobhi Azal (Bahaullah’s brother) to that country, Babism was formed in Iraq this time and their activities started again. Due to the importance of saving Sobhi Azal (Bab’s successor), Sobhi Azal was going to be Kept in secret manner in order for […]

By exiling Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri (Bahaullah) to Iraq and escaping Mirza Yahya Sobhi Azal (Bahaullah’s brother) to that country, Babism was formed in Iraq this time and their activities started again. Due to the importance of saving Sobhi Azal (Bab’s successor), Sobhi Azal was going to be Kept in secret manner in order for him to be identified and Bahaullah was to be in relationship with the Babis of Baqdad on behalf of Sobhi Azal and also for others to be in touch with him to be reported to Sobhi Azal. Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri rendered the game null and spoke about his leadership in Iraq. Sabhi Azal became aware of this issue. He got furious with this betrayal. Bahaullah left Bagdad alone for the fear of being threatened and raged by Azal’s followers. After that he was allowed to visit Sobhi Azal sending a letter to apologize. Two-year departure to Soleymanich gave Bahaullah the opportunity to be familiar with Nagshbandi dervishes and the reforming ideas of Sufis such as Shah Nematullah Vali and used them to issue the Baha’i teachings. Glaysher writes in this regard:

      “… it seems the idea of each other’s mind and cooperation posed by Shah Ne’matullah Vali 100 years before the emergence of Baha’ism is reflecting the Baha’i universal idea studied and learned by Bahaullah during his residing in Soleimanich, Iraq. One of the interesting view of Shah Ne’matullah Vali was creating nations union in the middle of 18th century.

     Bahaullah has used his thoughts in many cases such as social welfare, administrative organization and prophethood position.

     It Seems Bahaullah has used and adopted new Sufism literature thoughts and reformed philosophy of that period of time teachings time to regulate and fulfill his teachings.


The Universal House of Justice is following to dominate on the Baha’is and violating freedom

       The Universal House of Justice has considered itself as infallible as the mere absolute power on the Baha’i’s and suppressed each criticizing voice by controlling and putting pressures on the Baha’is. Unfortunately, the Baha’is have used this idea and anything said by the universal house of justice is assumed as inspiration and considered opposing the UHJ as opposing God. The confrontations of the universal house of justice and Continental counsellors and the local and national assemblies with the Baha’i thinkers and open-minded people is immoral complained by most educated people in Baha’ism.

       The Universal House of Justice which is shouting the slogan of world oneness of human being in the world has had the most severe confrontation against unfavorable Baha’i groups and has fought against Baha’i thinkers and the open-minded leaving this image:

      “The Baha’i creed is the synonym of enmity against freedom of state and thought.”

      As a person who has been in Baha’ism for a long time and has been familiar with Bahaullah and Abdul Baha’s ideas completely, Glaysher has criticized this behavior of the universal house of justice in various cases. He writes in this regard:

      “… the real test of morality in each religion is not related to its behavior with those who are silent (that is, those who neither think nor ask questions), but is related to its behavior with writers and educated people of that religion. This issue is deeply related to the history of their open-minded people and the customs used in their culture. The Baha’i creed has totally been defeated in this test.”

       Glaysher writes in another article: “The organizational Baha’is have been accustomed to “power” and “position”. Religious positions, spiritual positions, gnostic positions! This is right. That is wrong. This is Bahaullah’s method. That isn’t Bahaullah’s method! This attachment and attention to power and position resemble to poison existing in the heart of Baha’i community. They have put Bahaullah in a tight frame whose teachings have been written on stone in the form of tablets. Unfortunately, it seems several effects existing among Haifan Baha’is including needing to central power, excommunicating, cursing and accusing of heresy others are existing among those who are living out of the Baha’i organization. This calm-aggressive behavior is superficially justified, but practically is a kind of aggressive behavior. Prophets are speaking powerfully and firmly (for example, the universal house of justice can’t speak powerfully and in a sacred manner). God possesses superior power, but human beings aren’t so. The universal house justice has preached this attitude that the answer for each question is in their hands. They are searching for power, dominance and control. This method is really destructive. If there is a question or debate, everybody must discuss; not all people must be silent and let another person decide for them! All obligations have been made by Shogi Effendi which is called iron organization… .”

       Glaysher has considered the universal house justice and Saddam Hussein and the 19th century pops as the same, too and writes at the end of this part:” To answer a question, Houshmand Fath A’zam had said: “If the Baha’is gain power in the future, the universal house of justice will definitely have prisons for its opponents.” (narrated by Juan Cole). So, what is the difference between Baha’ism and 19 Century pops? Even inside the universal house of justice, freedom has been violated by Saddam Hussein of Haifa (the universal house of justice). The government of tyranny and arrogance of Baha’ism is overt everywhere… (narrated by the article entitled “Baha’ism needs another Vatican” written by Juan Cole).



As a Baha’i open-minded person, Glaysher criticizes the function of the universal house of justice (the leadership of Bahaism in Haifa) and reminds the universal house of justice as an arrogant leader which has made each freedom limited. He believes that Baha’ism has been deviated after Bahaullah and Abdul Baha from its main course and changed has been changed into an immoral and sectarian organization. He calls Baha’ism as the backyard of America and Israel having a bold role in the universal political movements.


Bahaism in Iran
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