کد خبر:12853

Fighting against scholars in the deviant cult of Baha’ism

The value of a creed depends on the position and worth it assumes for knowledge and scientists. It also calls people for its expansion and knowledge in various domains. As Islam has necessitated learning science as: طلب العلم فريضة[۱] and has assumed acquiring it as necessary even in the farthest part of the world, China: […]

The value of a creed depends on the position and worth it assumes for knowledge and scientists. It also calls people for its expansion and knowledge in various domains. As Islam has necessitated learning science as:

طلب العلم فريضة[۱]

and has assumed acquiring it as necessary even in the farthest part of the world, China:

اطلبوا العلم و لو بالصين[۲]

and has considered the reward for being at the presence of scholars and exploiting their sciences as gaining heaven:

من مشى فى طلب العلم خطوتين و جلس عند العالم ساعتين اوجب الله له جنتين …[۳]

      However, in a creed like Baha ism, scholars have been introduced as plague from whom you must separate and to whom you mustn’t approach because they prevent you to approach the creed and you must clean your mind out of their words and be in solitude to achieve.

      The result of it is that the scholarly criticisms are kept away and scholarly researches aren’t tolerated and some are changed into followers and disciples blindly and no high-ranking scientist will be grown. This is the statement of one of the contemporary thinkers about Baha’ism concerning this approach: “At the same time with the emergence of Bahaism, Marxism emerged, too. After that great transitions happened and more than one billion of the world population turned to this new creed. Wise men and women, philosophers, economists, scientists, authors and artists were recruited to this school and thought….”

      In his book called the Iqan, Hussein Ali Nouri has written the first chapter (nearly 50 pages) about avoiding the scholars because they cause you to be separated from tendency towards creed…

      Eventually, it can be concluded from the thesis of the deviant cult of Baha’ism concerning fighting against scholars that because this cult is in lack of strong bases of worldview and ideology, so it can’t be defended. Consequently, the helpless leaders of the deviant cult of Baha’ism have assumed closing the door of the cult for the thinkers and free people as the best way of escaping from this great dilemma.

     The next note is that no divine religion has prohibited human beings to think, to be scholar and to visit the scholars, but the best gift bestowed by God to human being has been wisdom.




Fakhkhari, Abdul Hussein, two -century challenge (30 notes in criticizing Baha’ism), Gouy publishing house, 1st edition, 1398 S.H.


[۱] Behar, vol. 1, p.2177.

[۲] Ibid

[۳] Lataliul Akhbar, p.644.

Bahaism in Iran
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