کد خبر:12856

Fighting against wisdom and telling Contradictions in the deviant cult of Baha’ism

In one side, the deviant cult of Baha’ism calls itself as Shia and refer its theological rudiments to Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee and on another side, it fights against Shia foundations. It declares the fundamental principles of Imamate which believes in the existent of the divine proofs after the holy prophet and the existent of Imam […]

In one side, the deviant cult of Baha’ism calls itself as Shia and refer its theological rudiments to Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee and on another side, it fights against Shia foundations. It declares the fundamental principles of Imamate which believes in the existent of the divine proofs after the holy prophet and the existent of Imam and the divine proof in each era, but it considers Ali Muhammad Bab as its leader who introduces his book of interpreting Josef chapter on behalf of Imam of the Time (P.H.). Nevertheless, it denies the 12th Imam. Are these contradictions in accordance with wisdom?!

     Ishraq Khawari, the famous Baha’i author writes in a collection of books called the heavenly food in which he has gathered the Baha’i leaders’ speech and tablets (Bahaullah, Abdul Baha and Shogi): Hussein Ali Nouri has considered the existent of Imam of the Time (p.4.) as fictitious and also assumed the narrations related to him as the superstitious ones. We ask: If that Excellency didn’t have any offspring, so who will the 12th Imam be according to you? How can you settle believing in 12 Imam Imams? You have accepted Fatima (P.H.) tablet in which the names of all Imams including the offspring of Muhammad ibn Hassan Al-Askari in your Iqan book. How do you reject it here? How does wisdom judge about this contradiction?

       Hussein Ali Nouri says in the book ” the heavenly food”: If a person thinks about the happened affairs after Imam Hassan Askari’s (P.H.) promotion, he/she will testify that all seditions of the world are from those souls…”

      Regardless of these insults against the holy Imams (peace be upon them) and their deputies, we ask him: If you had considered yourselves as Muslims and Shias before being Babi and Baha’i, how would you have solved these contradictions said by you about Imam of the Time (P.H.)? Bab has not also claimed for being Muhammad Ibn Al-Hassan (P.H.), So tell us who your twelfth Imam is? How do you solve this contradicted belief which is against both wisdom and against and the holy Quran and also the narrations?!

       As mentioned before in this article, there are more than one or two contradictions in this cult, but there is a collection of contradictions in this Colonial deviant cult. From women and men’s rights to finality of prophethood and etc. so that the Baha’ism organization doesn’t let any criticism be done. If a thinker is recruited by the cult, he/she will soon figure out the contradictions in the deviant cult of Baha’ism via his/her first studies and eventually he/she will be either boycotted or be silent due to his/her financial and material profits.


Bahaism in Iran
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