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The bragging claim by the deviant cult of Baha’ism – The fulfillment of all promises of the heavenly books

What will Baha’ism say if it is asked to state its belief and claim in several lines? Abul Fadhl Golpaygani, the greatest proselytizer and author of Baha’ism states this claim clearly in the beginning of his famous book Called Faraed:        He says: “We believe that all promises of the previous holy books will be […]

What will Baha’ism say if it is asked to state its belief and claim in several lines?

Abul Fadhl Golpaygani, the greatest proselytizer and author of Baha’ism states this claim clearly in the beginning of his famous book Called Faraed:

       He says: “We believe that all promises of the previous holy books will be fulfilled and all superstitions, religious differences, war, disputes and war tools will be removed by the emergence of the Excellency Bab and Baha and unity will be created and enmity will be changed into Kindness and the unique religion will be established and war tools will be turned into earning money tools and the lights of religious civilization will cover everywhere. Justice will overcome across the world and religion will be revitalized. The mercy breeze will blow and tyranny will be removed out of the world.”

      Golpaygani writes these materials in the beginning of the book Faraed to answer Sheikhul Islam Teflis’s criticism of Baha’ism and says:

      “Know o’ great debater that the Baha’is believe that all divine books and heavenly ones in the world give good news that superstitions will be removed in apocalypse due to rising two bright stars in the world sky and the world will be established on the basis of unique religion, so enmity will be removed or be changed into Kindness…”

      Then, he continues:

      “War will be finished and war tools will be changed into earning money ones. The fact will be emerged and the main aims will be discovered inside the verses. Knowledge and sciences will be pioneered and the real civilization lights which are famous for being the valid religion will be enlightened. The mercy breeze will blow and justice will be spread and grace will be expanded. Tyranny will be removed and in brief the world will be redecorated…”

Now nearly 180 years have been passed (1260 S.H.) since the emergence of Bab’s creed and 125 years have been passed since the compilation of the book Faraed (1315 SH.). Not only none of these claims and predictions are fulfilled, but also the world conditions have been more critical and human beings’ hardships have increased. 25 years after writing the book Faraed, world war I happened during which 10 million people were killed and nearly 20 year later, World War II happened during which 70 million people were killed. During this period of time, the world has had good day; from American crimes in Vietnam and atomic bombardment of Hiroshima to regional wars and ISIS due to them thousands of people were massacred. Not only war instruments weren’t removed but also thousands of people were tyrannized and killed.



Fakhkhari, Abdul Hussein, two-century challenge, Tehran, Gouy

publishing house, 1397 S.H., pp. 40-43.

Bahaism in Iran
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