کد خبر:13018

The victory of the Islamic Revolution, proving prostitution of the deviant cult of Bahaism

        Bahaism has been born by the enemies of Islam and have been continually supported by the Colonialists. The Baha’is escaped from Iran when the Islamic Revolution of Iran started. They even made their investors exit out of Iran. They were immediately accepted by British, American and  Canadian governments. Of course some groups figured […]


      Bahaism has been born by the enemies of Islam and have been continually supported by the Colonialists. The Baha’is escaped from Iran when the Islamic Revolution of Iran started. They even made their investors exit out of Iran. They were immediately accepted by British, American and  Canadian governments. Of course some groups figured out their Baha’i heads’ tricks and turned to Islam.

     After the Islamic Revolution and the interruption of governmental supports, the westerners used this cult as a weapon to fight against the Islamic system of government. The escaped Baha’is living out of the country used each opportunity to hit the Islamic system of government and to defeat it. They planned and invested too much to achieve their aims. In this way, the news companies such as the BBC, the VOA, Radio France, and Radio Israel served this Zionistic cult. They tried to introduce this deviant cult as a religion.

     The victory of the Islamic Revolution caused the nature of this cult to be revealed and their base in Iran to be destroyed.

     Excellency Imam Khomeyni (P.H.) said about Pahlavi supports :”I don’t know whether you listen to the American president’s speech or not? He asked all the world since these Baha’is who are living in Iran and are oppressed and aren’t spies do nothing but permoning religious ceremonies and Iran has sentenced 22 people of them to be killed due to doing religious ceremonies. He asked all the world since they aren’t spies. These are people who don’t meddle with affairs and they are philanthropic…”[1]

     If he (Reagan) didn’t say these issues, simple minded people might think there are some people who are busy doing their jobs although they are corrupt… However, after Mr. Reagan said these statements, he testified that they are doing nothing but religious ceremonies, can we believe? If they weren’t spies, you said nothing.[2] You opposed because they are in favor of you… We Know America which isn’t philanthropic due to 22 Baha’is who are captured by Iran. Your partiality is enough for us to know they are your spies…

     The Baha is aren’t a religion, they are a party. A panty which was being supported by England and now America is supporting and protecting them. They are spies… The problem is that Reagan is protecting them…


[۱] Imam Khomeini, Sahifeh Noor, vol. 1, p. 266 dated 1362/03/07

[۲] Imam Khomeini, Sahifeh Noor, Vol. 17, pp. 266 & 267.

Bahaism in Iran
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