کد خبر:13089

The main aim of the proselytizing institutes of the deviant cult of Bahaism

The main aim of the proselytizing institutes is increasing the population and statistics of the Baha’is and the tendency of these people towards the creed, because according to the message of the universal house of justice, if people aren’t recruited to Bahaism cult, this cult will be destroyed and vanished with the passage of time. […]

The main aim of the proselytizing institutes is increasing the population and statistics of the Baha’is and the tendency of these people towards the creed, because according to the message of the universal house of justice, if people aren’t recruited to Bahaism cult, this cult will be destroyed and vanished with the passage of time. In this regard, it is written in the letter of the universal house of justice: “If the number of proselytizers aren’t increased continually and aren’t along with rapid preaching, the increasing in knowledge and deepening the faithful knowledge or guaranteeing permanent attempts for preaching the divine faith and order won’t be met…”[۱]

      It is said in another letter of the universal house e of justice: “What is important is that various people must be behaved in a kind way and many different tribes must be communicated and accepted in communities soon and welcomed…”[۲]

      In this way, the Baha’is have focused their proselytizing on recruiting kids and teenagers because they can be easily misled using their feelings. They can be influenced to be used as an active and influential force in the future to do each job be asked. For example, proselytizing Baha’ism has been done in Shiraz and some other cities like Isfahan in this way.


Rouhi plan:

      It is one of the newest ones of the Baha’is which has been formed in the city of Haifa, Israel approved by the universal house of justice. This plan had been plotted by the Iranian Baha’is immigrated abroad. After being confirmed and investigated in the universal house of justice in Haifa- as the highest foundation making decision in the deviant cult of Baha’ism in the world- this plan was executed in Colombia experimentally.

      The mentioned plan was being evaluated continually during being examined for ten years and its results. were presented to the Baha’ism center of the universal house of justice, Haifa.

      Eventually, the universal house of justice of Haifa decided after ending 10-year experimental stage of the plan that it must be communicated to all Baha’i assemblies and be executed. The most important aim of the plan is increasing the number of Baha’is following proselytizing Baha’ism among people.

      The planner of the plan says: We are focusing on two aims:

      ۱) The method of visiting new people who want to enter into the Baha’i faith.

      ۲) The acquiring ability to apply Baha’i views and beliefs using Bahaullah’s and Abdul Baha’s methods in sermons, writings and various tablets.[3]

      Another aim of this plan is increasing motivation in Baha’i people to deceive the newly comers. The people in charge of Baha’ism have established institutions as educational ones in various countries to achieve this aim by proselytizing extensively. They planned four-year, five-year plans. These educational institutions are being administered under the supervision of Baha’ism continental counsellor introduced by the universal house of justice, Haifa. The proselytizing of the deviant cult Baha’ism in the Islamic countries particularly in the Middle East are being done based on a special called “hidden strategy”. To fulfill the aims of this strategy in Muslim countries during the during previous years, they have planned by the year 2021 A.D. The activities of Rouhi plan in Iran started by the message of the universal house of justice dated Nov. 26, 2003 A.D. The method of executive activity of the plan is basically different from the previous activities of Baha’is of Iran.”[4]


Rouhi books

      To execute the Rouhi plan, nine books entitled the collection of Rouhi books have been published and translated into English and Persian languages.

[۱] The Collection of the universal house of justice letters, letter No.29, Nov. 1998 A.D.

[۲]Ibid, Dec, 5, 1998 A.D.

[۳] The sixth book, Rouhi institute, p.5.

[۴] four articles of the community of teachers, No. 28, p.38.

Bahaism in Iran
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