Being in charge in most posts of the country, the Bahaism organization ran an expansive net of economic sedition during Pahlavi regime. Hojabr Yazdani cooperated with the high-ranking officials of the country embezzled a huge amount of properties in favor of Baha’ism organization. The Islamic Revolution put pressure on the Baha’ism to such an extent that the universal house of justice of Israel considered the Islamic Revolution as the most serious crisis of its life. Changing the names of its assemblies and properties in Iran, this organization preserved its possessions and prevented sensitivity against itself. Undoubtedly, One of the greatest sedition nets ran by Baha’ism in the country has been the one led by Hojabr Yazdani. Hojabr Yazdani was taking loan cooperated by Abdul Karim Ayadi (the special physician of the Shah) and was buying other banks, factories, land and etc.[1]
In 1354 S.H. when the then head of the central bank figured out that the number of dud checks drawn by Hojabr Yazdani has become more than one billion tumans, he announced it to the prime minister! However, because Yazdani was supported by the Shah, he was exculpated and continued his seditions. That is, it can be said that he had usurped and taken the possession of more than 30 percent of the investments of three main banks of the country (Melli Bank, Industrial development bank and Saderat Bank).
Yazdani, as the symbol of organizational economic sedition of Baha’ism during Pahlavi period of time claimed for purchasing all wealthy people of Iran at the same time. The interesting thing is that his ring cost 5 million dollars at that time. These behaviors of Yazdani and Ayadi caused people to be furious about Bahaism.[2]
Hussein Fardoust writes in his diary: “Hojabr Yazdani was supported by Ayadi and was changed to a power and possessed many lands in Bakhtaran, Mazandaran, Isfahan and etc. It was clear for me that all these possessions belonged to Bahaism and these transactions were being done by his name, but for the Baha’is. [3]
Eventually, the great Islamic Revolution hit the body of Baha’ism fatally to such an extent that the universal house of justice in Israel considered the Islamic Revolution as equal to cutting 61 percent of its international incomes![4] Of course, the Baha’ism organization hid itself shamelessly behind its members and shouted the slogan of being oppressed claiming for its possessions to be confiscated.
It is necessary to be mentioned that the mentioned cases are a part of sedition and usurping the Iranian properties by Baha’ism, otherwise, if the complete cases of usurping and sedition of Baha’ism members of the deviant cult of Baha’ism are investigated. Definitely, it is more than this. For instance, the Baha’i Hoveyda has been the prime minister for 10 years or Sabet Pasal (one hundred percent Baha’i and the main member of Baha’ism in Iran) has been the representative of tens of American companies in Iran supported by the Iranian government; so that, the ran the television of Iran supported by the wage-earner Shah and the like.
[۱] Fars Correspondence, the news title: A man having a 200-billion-tuman ring who is considered as sufferer by the Shah, 1401/11/06.
[۲] Refer to: Hussein Fardoust, the emergence and fall of the Pahlavi kingdom, Bija: Ettela’t, 1370 S.H., Vol. 1, p. 375.
[۳] Ibid.
[۴] The message of the universal house of justice dated Nov. 18, 1991 A.D., Abah 27, 1370 S.H.