کد خبر:13489

Dispersing slime by the Baha’i Erfan Sabeti

      The Baha’i theorist, Erfan Sabeti considered Shia jurisprudence to be full of violence and assumed narrating Islam by the Islamic Republic as violence, too and likened Shia jurisprudence as wallow and swamp due to mixing power. By investigating history, belief and commandments of Bahaism, it can be found out that this cult is full […]

      The Baha’i theorist, Erfan Sabeti considered Shia jurisprudence to be full of violence and assumed narrating Islam by the Islamic Republic as violence, too and likened Shia jurisprudence as wallow and swamp due to mixing power. By investigating history, belief and commandments of Bahaism, it can be found out that this cult is full of violence, savagery and crime and it is going to establish an authoritarian government across the world.

      Erfan Sabeti, the spokesman and theorist of Bahaism cult insulted Islam, scholars, commandments and the Islamic Republic participating in International dialogue program. He insolently interpreted jurisprudence of Shia scholars as the tool box of murder and violence and called the Islam of the Islamic Republic as violence–based, plundering and petrified, but with modern technology

      Sabeti called the narration of the Islamic Republic from the religion of Islam as violence and likened Shia jurisprudence as wallow and swamp due to mixing with power. He said: All this toolbox jurisprudence must be kicked and all jurisprudence system and clergymen must be set aside.[1]


      ۱) Insulting and intrepidity of Known Baha’ism proselytizer against the Shia scholars have been done while according to Bahaism texts, the Baha’is are obliged to honor the Shia Scholars and dignitaries. As we read in their books: ” According to the order by the Excellency founder; that is, Bahaullah, this tribe (the Baha’is) don’t say bad words to anybody even their enemies. Because cursing is absolutely illegitimate…[۲] Of course, regarding this issue that the Baha’ism leaders themselves have insulted and humiliated Islamic scholars particularly Shia,[3] it will be clear that Baha’ism slogans and advertisements including friendship, kindness towards enemies and greeting are null…

      ۲) It is better for Erfan Sabeti to look at his cult’s commandments, history and character before interpreting jurisprudence of Shia scholars as toolbox of violence and murder and calling Islam of the Islamic Republic as violence-based. A glance at the history of Bahaism will reveal that the forged prophet of Bahaism was one of the leaders of terroristic movement of Babism. A movement which started three bloody wars in Iran. Confessed by Abdul Baha, Babism movement didn’t have any logic but opponent’s genocide, burning books, and destroying buildings.[4] Now, the followers of this movement accuse Islam with violence!! What is his answer for Badasht event, Shiraz event and the massacre of 5-people family in Abargdaou? What is his answer for execution of Martyr Tayyeb? and the like.

      The Zionistic laborer is calling the commandments of Islam and Shia jurisprudence as violent while Bahaism commandments are full of brutality, and the lack of harmony between punishment and crime. As in Bahaism, a person must be made fire due to burning a house.[5] or thieves must be branded like the Medieval?[6]

      Erfan Sabeti called the main problem of Islam as government and power while the Baha’ism leaders have introduced establishing government across the world as the final aim of Bahaism.[7] However, Islam needs power to create morality[8], but humane society and Bahaism want power for Satan and Zionism to dominate on human being!!! and to dominate carnal interests and satanic ones on human being.

[۱] The interview of Erfan Sabeti with the International

[۲] Abdul Hussein Ayati, Kawakeb-Al-Doryyah, the electronic copy, vol. 1, p. 498.

[۳] Refer to Ishraq khawari, the heavenly food, Bija, the national institute of the faith press, 129 Badi’a, vol.5, p. 194.

[۴] the electronic copy, vol. 2, p. 266.

[۵] Refer to Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aghdas, the electronic copy, p. 56, paragraph, 62.

[۶] Ibid, p. 43, paragraph 45.

[۷] Refer to Shogi Effendi, the Blessed writings to the eastern disciples, the national assembly of the faith works, 1992 A.D., PP. 501-503.

[۸] The holy prophet (P.H.) stated:

إِنَّمَا بُعِثْتُ لِأُتَمِّمَ مَکَارِمَ الْأَخْلَاقِ

(Hakimi and others, Al-Hayat, translated by Ahmad Aram, 1380 S.H., vol. 6, p. 675).

Bahaism in Iran
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