کد خبر:13502

Supporting Bahaism by Justin Trudeau

      In a message, Justin Trudeau, the prime minister of Canada congratulated Redhvan feast of Bahaism and obligated his country to defend the Iranian Baha’is sought asylum to his country. However, this commitment is mono-lateral because Bahaism is just obligating itself to preserve its own profits. The honor of hosting the Iranian Baha’is for Canada […]

      In a message, Justin Trudeau, the prime minister of Canada congratulated Redhvan feast of Bahaism and obligated his country to defend the Iranian Baha’is sought asylum to his country. However, this commitment is mono-lateral because Bahaism is just obligating itself to preserve its own profits. The honor of hosting the Iranian Baha’is for Canada is the honor of hosting the properties of the Iranian people.

      According to the report by the Bahaism medium, Justin Trudeau the prime minister of Canada sent a congratulating massage for the Bahaism organization on the occasion of Redhvan feast or the anniversary of the prophetic mission of the forged Baha’i prophet dated April 20, 2024 A.D. In a part of the message, Hussein Ali Nouri has been manifested as the prophet of Baha’ism creed and as the manifestation of God in Redhvan garden.

      Justin Trudeau considered Redhvan feast for the Baha’is to get together and elect the leaders of the faith to guide the world towards peace. Claiming for the persecution of the Baha’is in Iran and seeking asylum to Canada, he called his country as the supporter and a strong and fearless call for the Bahaism organization and said: “Unfortunately most Baha’i communities across the world are persecuted. In Iran, the Baha’is are experiencing discrimination and worry for their security. Most of them have escaped from Iran and have sought asylum to Canada. Canada stands beside the Baha’is (and all religious communities persecuted across the world). We are a strong voice for the right of the Baha’i community to act their religion fearlessly.”[1]

      Nevertheless, the prime minister of Canada called the forged prophet of Bahaism as the manifestation of God while according to Baha’ism leaders, the Canadian people and the majority of the world people are out of humanity circle and are illegitimate due to not obeying Bahaism.[2]

      The prime minister of Canada obliged himself to defend Bahaism, but Bahaism leaders consider the Baha’is souls and security as just important.

      As after a while after ending World War I, Abdul Baha expressed happiness due to burning people in the war fire and assumed saving the Baha’is as enough.[3]

      Justin Trudeau must be said: As Canada opens arms for Bahaism members, hosting thieves and the usurped properties of Iran are of your honors. As a matter of fact, Canada has been the paradise for embezzlers and robbers of Iranian people’s properties for years.[4] So, your hosting and supporting the members of Bahaism bond with your interests otherwise your sympathy is ridiculous.

      Of course, the members of Bahaism cult are of the wealthiest Iranian people across the world due to great robberies during treacherous Pahlavi regimes and supporting Bahaism by thief nurturer Canada is being supporting wealthy Baha’i elements in favor of its benefits; otherwise, why doesn’t Canada support Palestinian people who are under the most severe tyranny of history by the usurp and criminal Israel and criminal America.

      It is interesting to be noted that the Canadian government which considers the Baha’is as the means for putting pressure on Iran by the name of human rights has been one of the providers of weapons for kid-killer regime of Israel during200-day Israel’s genocide against Gaza.[5]

      Yes; as it is clear, the west uses Bahaism creed and organization as means to put pressure on our country; otherwise, Canada which is a paradise for the thieves of the Iranian people’s properties is right to be worried about the Baha’is rights in Iran and share the genocide of Palestinian people.

[۱] Narrated by the medium of Bahaism organization

[۲] Ishragh Khawari, the heavenly food, vol.4, Bija; the national institute of the faith press, Badi’a 129, p. 355.

[۳] Abbas Effendi, the collections of writings of the Excellency Abdul Baha, No. 52, p. 108.

[۴] Canada, the paradise for the Iranian embezzlers/ the staff of Imam port complex is the newest runaway.

[۵] Canada confirmed stoppage of sending weapons to the Zionistic regime

Bahaism in Iran
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