کد خبر:13517

Bigotry and superstitions in Bahaism

      One of the characteristics of Bahaism is the severe bigotry and mixing its teachings with superstitions. Sobhi, as the special secretary of Abdul Baha has closely observed the Baha’i dignitaries’ beliefs and behaviors and has shown the blind bigotry of the Baha’is well in his diary. He has written in his book: They poured […]

      One of the characteristics of Bahaism is the severe bigotry and mixing its teachings with superstitions. Sobhi, as the special secretary of Abdul Baha has closely observed the Baha’i dignitaries’ beliefs and behaviors and has shown the blind bigotry of the Baha’is well in his diary. He has written in his book: They poured some Acre soil in a small sack and gave and granted them the firebrand candle of Baha’s tragedy ceremony for healing diseases and wrapped Abdul Baha’s hair in a piece of paper. What do these mean? Wow! We ourselves consider the doers of such actions as superstitious and hallucinated and laugh at them, but… there are many cases of inviting people to think in the holy Quran and there aren’t in any other books, while it is said in the Aghdas: If the owner of the faith calls the sky as the earth and calls the earth as the sky, nobody will be allowed to question while this proposition is against wisdom.

      Fadhlullah Mohtadi known as Sobhi was dispatched to Iran 1305 S.H. after 12-year residing in the presence of Abdul Baha and serving honestly in writing and composing his letters.

      In this stage, basic changes happened in his thoughts and beliefs regarding the function of the Baha’i leader observed by Sobhi himself. He turned against the deviant cult of Bahaism and turned to Islam.

      Mahnaz Raoufi, another ex-Baha’i writes about superstitious beliefs of Bahaism and the forged ones in the book called the ominous shadow:

      The Baha’is were shouting the baseless slogan of “the independent investigation in of truth” and superficially pretended that the Baha’is can select their way after investigating the truth independently when they are 15… while no Baha’i was allowed… to study other societies’ books and not to study the book rejected Baha’ism written by ex- Baha’is. Baha’is can have just social intercourses just with safe people who aren’t dangerous for Baha’is. Meanwhile, they can proselytize for Bahaism. They are just speaking with illiterate people and I never saw a Baha’i speak with a Muslim scholar and speak about Bahaism. They knew they would be condemned. So, they didn’t discuss with scholar and the educated specially with the clergymen. They had introduced Islam as a minor religion which is out of date full of superstitions (while Bahaism teachings are full of superstitions) while Islam is a comprehensive and complete religion.

      Abulfadhl Sabzi writes in the book called the inverted materials and superstition in futurity”: “One of the issues agonizes and agonizing me continually is the existence of superstitions and innovations and preaching them among Muslim society. Nowadays, many superstitions and intellectual and practical inverted things have been preached among people and they have even been known as culture, while they are dangerous scourge for the holy religion. Fortunately, the Islamic texts are firm and aren’t in conformity with non-scientific and forged issues.

      In this book, the following cults have been introduced as misleading ones:

۱) Zeidiyeh cult

۲) Keysanieh Cult

۳) Qadiyanieh cult

۴) Ghalat cult

۵) Babism and Bahaism cults.


Bahaism in Iran
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