کد خبر:13598

The clear document of Baha’is to be spies

By: Seyyed Kazem Mousavi        When Rouhieh Maxwell offered the promise of so-called the universal peace to Javier Perez De Cuellar, the secretary general of the united nations in 1985 A.D., merely the Iranian nation was aware of their real intention being aware of the bigotries of the Bahaism organization.       After the victory of […]

By: Seyyed Kazem Mousavi

       When Rouhieh Maxwell offered the promise of so-called the universal peace to Javier Perez De Cuellar, the secretary general of the united nations in 1985 A.D., merely the Iranian nation was aware of their real intention being aware of the bigotries of the Bahaism organization.

      After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, America and the Zionists who haven’t wanted and want to accept the reality of the Islamic Revolution in the region and the world order their puppet that is the Baha’is to play role more and to be active more in the Middle East particularly in India.

      This expansion of activity had many reasons according to those who were active in social-political domain.

      The people of India who didn’t know this Zionistic organization well and were evaluating the Baha’is just based on their superficial behaviors and being courteous weren’t aware of the hidden aims of this action. However, when the news about the arrest of nine people of the Baha’i national assembly was casted due to financial crimes and spying for Israel in the best seller Times newspaper of India, the Indian community view was changed towards them.

      Nevertheless, how has this organization which has obligated itself to obey the ruling government according to its head spied in favor of another country?![1]

      Maybe, the answer for this question is hidden in a sentence by Rouhieh Maxwell: “I prefer the youngest religion (Bahaism) is grown in the newest country in the world (Israel) and in fact it should be said that our future-Bahaism and Israel – are bond with each other like the loops of a chain.”[2]

      Mrs. Maxwell, the American wife of Shogi Effendi (the third head of Bahaism) has said the last statement about the relationship between Bahaism and Israel using such dream. Such wish opens ways for the Baha’is to enter into Mossad (the Zionists’ intelligent Service).

      The origin of news is as follows:

      A number of the managers of the national assembly of Bahaism organization of India have been arrested due to financial and spying crimes. In this regard, more than 80 forged passports were discovered bearing Iranian names and nationality.

      One of the suspected people of the case is a Baha’i Iranian person called Payam Shogi who was captured by police escaping from Indian borders.

      Based on the existent documents, a person called N.K. Badehi Raja (the trustee of the fund of the national assembly of the Baha’is of India) has performed the following measures:

      ۱) providing the forged ID card to enter into the defensive installations of India,

      ۲) Gathering secret data

      ۳) Selling them to the intelligent services of the Zionistic regime,

      ۴) Receiving a huge amount of foreign exchange,

      ۵) It illegally exit from India.

      In addition to the above-mentioned accusations, the above-named person has been accused for issuing forged passport.

      Immediately after broadcasting the news, various cases about the spying activities of this Zionistic group were revealed by the Indian media.

      For example: a news published in Indian newspapers dated 2006/08/19.

      It is stated in the news that Ms. Zona Souraji, Souranji, one of the continental advisors of the universal house of justice

and Soli Souraiji’s spouse, the previous attorney general of India have been of the administrators of the Baha’i community who have been active in helping the accused people of the spying case.[3]

      The Bahaism organization possesses and has possessed a good relationship network and casting the relationship of Zona Souraiji, the previous attorney general of India’s wife confirms this reality that this organization has been influential on the administrative and judicial system of this country. One of reasons for casting spying news of the agents of Bahaism organization in limited form is their influence on the various governmental and administrative governmental layers of this country.

      It is common for each intelligent service organization not to be interested in revealing or casting other dimensions of the adventure of Zona Souraiji or to be under the pressure by the critics. So, the universal house of justice issued a statement and asked the Baha’i community not to comment on this case and to be silent!

      As mentioned before, this measure of the national assembly of India couldn’t be acceptable for the Indian community having maximum hostile theological views. Regarding this hostile measure by the Bahaism organization against Indian government and people, it is worthy to glance at the statistics of the Baha’i population of this country. Recently some matters have been casted about the evolution and identity of the Baha’i community in which the volume and expansion of the Babe’ community of America have been pointed out. Although according to the offered statistics by the Baha’i national assembly of America, the population of the Baha’i community of this country has been nearly fixed, but regarding the increasing statistics of the population of this country, the Baha’i community in America is gradually becoming smaller.

      The important note is that according to the report by the Christianity universal statistics center, Bahaism is expanding in the world as the second creed having growth rate of 1.7 percent. Of course, the origin of this statistics and its correctness and incorrectness is not clear. It is just said that their statistics is nearly five million people out of which 1.7 to 2.2 million people are living in India.[4]

      Of course, claiming for the existent of this number is doubtful cos the religious identity is really different in their country and many people consider themselves to be the followers of their previous creed which can be one of thousand ones in India while they are Baha’is The formal statistics of India reveals that in 1991 A.D., the number of Baha’is has been merely 5500 people and these are those who introduced themselves as Baha’is in the formal census. It is necessary to be mentioned that there is a complete freedom of religion in India and there is no reason for hiding it. In this way, the population of Indians in India should have been increased at least 300 percent to reach the statistics of 1.7 million people.

       Another note which is worthy to be thought is that where are they living if the number of the Baha’is of India is 1.7 million people? They are nearly forming 34 percent of the population of the Baha’i community, but why don’t the universal house of justice and the house of proselytizing have a suitable position and role? Why don’t we see their presence and influence?


[۱] Guidance heights, paragraph oh 1453, p.558.

[۲] The faith news, Day 1340 S.H., No. 10. p.601.

[۳] www.hindu.com/2006/08/19.

[۴] http://www.adherents. com/Reli-gions By Adherents.html

Bahaism in Iran
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